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Everything posted by KennyNZ

  1. KennyNZ

    Sick of being KOS'd, need to becone survivor

    Sounds like you're more like 90% friendly :P
  2. Send a dingo to shut him up
  3. KennyNZ

    Day Z Urban Legends

    What's black and white and long and slender? A penguin being sucked into a blackhole :)
  4. KennyNZ

    Really Funny Crossbow in shop fail

    Ec Tetera, Ec Tetera and so on and fo sorth
  5. I'd put my gear in a waterproof container and hide it in the reeds :D
  6. KennyNZ

    L85 Should it stay or go

    I kind of like it, but I can see why it would be removed.
  7. KennyNZ

    Canoe or Kayak?

    Sounds awesome. I say canoe
  8. KennyNZ

    Day Z Urban Legends

    That's always my reaction too lol. "hey... wtf is THAT!?.... actually don't need to know, not feeling curious today, let's leave right now!" haha
  9. You can't get it back, because it was never gone.
  10. KennyNZ

    Could this rig run dayz on normal?

    You need to think ahead a little bit. Maybe it will run dayz on low or medium, but what about the other games you'll want to play over the next few years? Also, it's a whole different experience playing a game with everything maxed rather than limping along on low settings.
  11. Don't think anyone can do anything about it, it's private after all
  12. KennyNZ

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Couldn't tell. Most Europeans with english as a second language are better than native speakers :D
  13. KennyNZ

    Anthropology Study

    Glad to help a fellow anthro out :)
  14. KennyNZ

    Zombie Blood Orgy

    Awesome, 10/10.
  15. KennyNZ

    Day Z Urban Legends

    You know you've won at creating a zombie game when they're the least scary thing on the map :D
  16. I got it for free, you got scammed buddy :(
  17. KennyNZ

    worst mechanic..

    Where it your base and how many spawn locations are close by?
  18. KennyNZ

    Montior Eye Strain

    Maybe work a little less hard, stare out the window a bit, that's what I do anyway.
  19. KennyNZ


    Vampires and werewolves!!! :D:D:D:D:D yah oh also samurais and katanaz and ponies and also bread.
  20. KennyNZ

    How do you deal with the preasure of...

    I've bordered on that at times lol. But seriously, don't forsake what makes this game difference from the rest, it's why we're all here.
  21. KennyNZ

    How do you deal with the preasure of...

    I'm going to go the other way and say, BE SCARED, GET ATTACHED, trust me, when that feeling goes away, the game can get a bit boring.
  22. KennyNZ

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Shit sounded pretty serious already! lol