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About clone212

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    Chicago, IL
  1. clone212

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Mad dash for the military locations for me, just need my glorious akm and a sidearm for zeds, and I can go back to my glorious mountain hermit lifestyle in the far northern reaches of the map, ive made living with a tent on the woods hunting the rare deer a feasible living option in last persistance enabled patch, hopefully i can do so again.
  2. Recently got banned from this server, posted on ban appeals, thought it must have been a simple misunderstanding, but i have since found out that this is a dirty admin abuse server, and the admin on hand (MilkChan) likes to spam side chat with very annoying sounds until someone complains and then bans them, i happened to get banned in a rare ban collateral damage thing in which one player was banned for offensive speak, and i was banned because i said, aha! you are an admin. full post here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/144428-us-8546-ban-appeal/ tl:dr yep this is an admin abuse server, no doubt about it. Edit: considering reporting this server to vilayer.com to see if they can get it shut down, though they will most likely just laugh in my face and keep rolling the server owners money between their fingers.
  3. US 8546 ( (Recruit|3D:ON|CH:ON) - (Official) No PVP Friendly server| Vilayer.com port 2312 got banned as reason "tu tambien!" (spanish for "you too!") after another player got banned for saying offensive words to the admin over side chat, i did not say a single offensive phrase, chat log to the best of my memory goes like this - Admin (MilkChan)- *talks spanish very loudly in side chat*, Admin- "Viva Mexico!", Me (Argimor)- "Im mexican but i like US better", Admin- "0.0 Blasphemer", Second player (unknown player name)- to Admin "your voice is really annoying",Me- "Mexican decent, Chicago born" Admin- "*unkown", Second player, "ipinjejuta" (he was trying to call her a bitch in spanish), Admin- *yells loudly curses in spanish* says did you call me a bitch in spanish, Second player- "Si" (yes), Admin then bans Second player reason as calling her a bitch, Admin- *says something incoherent in side chat*, 2 mins later, Me- aha!, Me- i knew it! i knew you were admin!, Admin- bans me as reason "Tu tambien!" (you too!). now as far as i know, she must have mistaken me as insulting her as well as the other player, (in hindsight, i shoulda just not said anything at all about my heritage). she must have been very angry from the other player calling her a bitch and that combined with the possibility that she didnt fully understand the english i was writing could have set her off on me and now im banned from one of the only non pvp servers there are, also as a side note she didnt explain that she was admin and all of her talking was in fast spanish which im sure hardly anyone understood over side. so what do you guys think? Edit: also i just recently got dayz so im not fully sure how things work on forums but i think this is right place for topic, if it isnt please let me know and advance appologies :/