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About zosius

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    On the Coast
  1. Hi, I'm looking for a few guys to play together this game. About me: 26 years EU tz, living in Sweden What i want Play standard dayz Chernarus map (not interested in origins) Focus on bandit play and hunting other bandits Casual play and possibly make a few new friends my skype: zosiuss. Let me know if anyone is interested to team up.
  2. zosius

    dayz group

    hey, hit me up. I'm 26 living in Sweden. Skype: zosiuss. I also play standard dayz and looking for a few guys to hang out with.
  3. 1. IGN :Termis 2. Age :26 3. Location :Sweden 4. Language :English/Lithuanian 5. Length of experience with Arma2 / Dayz) :2 months, but got already a good hang of it. My brother who plays since the beginning showed me the ropes. 6. Why do you want to join? :Got bored playing solo
  4. Hi, I am looking for someone to play with too. I'm 26 from Sweden very casual. Let me know on skype: zosiuss if interested to play together. I play on Dayz mod
  5. Thanks for the offers, guys. I'll be back soon from my vacations and then we can have some fun
  6. Hello all, I'm looking for a group of people that I could have fun with. I am particularly interested in bandit play style, griefing, killing, creating chaos and in general being an asshole, in the game that is. About me: I'm 26 years old. I am based in EU region, currently living in Sweden. I am relatively new to the game, but did quite a lot of research so I dare to say the knowledge is good. I also play some of eve online if it makes any difference. Hope to hear some offers. BR Zosius