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BTK (DayZ)

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About BTK (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. This can also happen due to hardware issues. - Faulty RAM (Run Memtest for a few hours) - RAM too slow (Single channel is no good) - Faulty Hard Drive - Hard Drive too slow (BE almost requires an SSD, or at least a really good HDD) Sounds strange, but BE is a real hardware hog when it comes to HDD and RAM. I had this A LOT before I upgraded my RAM and switched to an SSD. Now the problem is gone.
  2. BTK (DayZ)


    There will be no optimization. At least nothing major, we can be lucky if we get a handful more FPS. The engine is 13 years old. If they were capable of optimization they would've done it by now. Don't say "It's Alpha", the engine is OLD. Arma 1 = Never had decent FPS Arma 2 = Never had decent FPS Take On Helicopters = Even worse than Arma Arma 3 = A little bit better, but still pretty bad.
  3. BTK (DayZ)

    Server Crashes

    Alright. Great. :) Thanks for the heads up!
  4. BTK (DayZ)

    Server Crashes

    Crash, crash, unknown internal error, crash, unknown internal error, crash. is running extremely unstable. Something is pretty messed up. I tested 99153, 99202 and 98866. 98866 is running most stable so far. But the servers are still crashing every 1-3 hours. For example: RPT Sometimes it's tbb4malloc_bi.dll, sometimes the Database.dll. Some crash dumps http://server.arma2....ashdump_fr2.rar http://server.arma2....ashdump_fr3.rar
  5. It's caused by: dayz_code\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf if ( !dayz_preloadFinished ) then { endLoadingScreen; disableUserInput false; cutText ["Something went wrong! disconnect and try again!", "BLACK OUT",1]; player enableSimulation false; }; You may use my scripts.txt for now to get rid of the spam introduced by But please guys, LEARN HOW TO ADD SIMPLE FILTER RULES on your own.
  6. BTK (DayZ)

    Build Rolling Update

    Thanks Ander, I will try this. Regarding Script restriction #45: It's easy to fix for server admins. Unfortunately many admins are not capable of doing their job.... But I'm sure it will be updated by Dwarden soon. In the mean time: scripts.txt Find: 5 setHit Add: !"[player,\"legs\", (_fractures select 0)] call object_setHit;" !"[player,\"hands\", (_fractures select 1)] call object_setHit;" Edit: Add also this for setHit: !"z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_setHit.sqf"
  7. BTK (DayZ)

    Build Rolling Update

    Servers are crashing a lot with this update... I'm using beta 99202, DayZ and latest Hive.
  8. BTK (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Thanks Sumrak, sounds great! Namalsk is definitely my favorite map in conjunction with DayZ. But what's wrong with the crash sites? Why don't you want them to be enabled?
  9. BTK (DayZ)

    Weird Server Log Glitch ... WTF?

    You, the client, spawn medboxes when you're near a hospital. Same for backpacks. Backpacks are not items, they are "vehicles" - they are created via createVehicle. Perfectly normal loot spawn and player initialization what you're seeing there...
  10. BTK (DayZ)

    Script.log Entries - Legit or Sketchy

    Right. It's legit, but CAN be abused, hence the auto-kick recommendation - but don't ban for it. :)
  11. BTK (DayZ)

    Script.log Entries - Legit or Sketchy

    You shouldn't. In fact, I hope that you autokick for it. The server control has been used in the past (and maybe still is) for some kind of injection. I don't know the details about the injection, I just know it exists (That's why we have it in the scripts.txt) So, better safe than sorry. Autokick for it and ignore the log entries.
  12. setPos is being exeuted in a lot of legit cases. "Pickup flare" and "Pitch tent" for example. It can easily show up 10 times in a row just because someone is trying to pitch his tent. Make sure to check createvehicle.log as well. Teleport is easy to spot by looking at the coordinates. I don't think that setPosATL and setPosASL are being logged yet, so there are easy workarounds for teleport. :(
  13. BTK (DayZ)

    Script.log Entries - Legit or Sketchy

    It's legit. It's the server interface (Server Control button on the bottom). Just unpack ArmA's UI.pbo and you will find both files in there.
  14. BTK (DayZ)


    Just try it yourself; throw a grenade in-game. You will show up in the logs.
  15. BTK (DayZ)


    Don't ban them; It's both legit. Medboxes are spawned by players, so he probably was just at a hospital or near a helo crash site. The second one is simply someone throwing a grenade... well, two in that case. It's a little suspicious that he's able to throw 2 grenades at once... but if it's just those two I'd leave him be, could be a glitch or something.