Hi, I came with an idea for dayz. There should be a new map of the replica of the Walking Dead doesnt matter how u call the map, If people know The Walking Dead series u probably that the map is huge, like the jail and stuff but if houses are broken we should be allowed to make fenses or create stuff to fortify it, zombies should walk slower but they die only through the head, and put more cars in the map damaged or not we should be allowed to reach further destinations if the car is damaged we should repair them but if we can creat stuff for the car we can fortify our car with spikes on the front a metal plate in the windows and more ... , there should be npc's like the army around the map doesnt matter where they just randomly go to places to search for survivors but the survivors should have the choice to join them or not. I know that making this will take a while trust me ive been through this but it all worth it to create those stuff it will be a newer generation of dayz maybe but it will change the game play for sure ;) GenerelAaronSito.