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Everything posted by NicalaMH

  1. Definitely. Had to max out my volume too. I totally missed it the first time!
  2. NicalaMH

    How much would you pay?

    And in addition, once we actually part with a ridiculous amount of money for a game, we're forced to play it over one of the worst fraking internet connections in the world. Glaciers move faster at times. Yes, I know. Completely off topic. Not the point of this thread. *Suppresses outrage* Shutting up now.
  3. YES Hell, why not? Annoying, difficult, potentially life-threatening. Sounds perfect for the zombie apocalypse to me. It's alpha. The time to try these things is NOW! If it doesn't work, take it out.
  4. NicalaMH

    How much would you pay?

    I keep reading price suggestions here and becoming indignant that people do not value this game in all its delicious zombie-survival-horror glory! Then I remember I live in tiny New Zealand, where the dollar doesn't exactly measure up to the USD and the Euro. Note to self: round all foreign suggestions up... I would gladly pay full price (which is usually approx $90 in New Zealand) for this game -- and I say this as a terribly poor 3rd year university student INCREDIBLY mired in debt. For me, DayZ is a big deal. In summation: Rocket, shut up and take my money. You earned it.
  5. NicalaMH

    how many girls play dayz?

    Female player here too. Play with the male skin though. It was the only one available when I started and I'm just used to it. It would feel strange to change now. I'd be startled every time I went into 3rd person!
  6. NicalaMH

    Cannibalism and Zombie suggestions

    Cannibalism sounds like it could be interesting. It's definitely an element in a lot of other zombie media. I'd vote no on making human flesh addictive. That's... kinda creepy (not that cannibalism isn't, I suppose) and seems like a step too far. Catching a prion disease and shaking... Also interesting. If included however, I think it should be a pretty rare event if you cannibalize someone. Like 1/100. Prion disease is reasonably rare, even among cannibalistic tribes. Got to say no on the different zombie types. I think that sounds needlessly complicated. And like other posters, I believe it's more in the spirit of a different type of zombie game.
  7. NicalaMH

    Bandits I THANK you,,,

    Same here! I like the dynamic. It keeps things exciting and high stakes all the time. I think it's really necessary, especially since zeds only spawn in settlements -- the bandits keep me constantly second-guessing my steps, even in the wilderness. So, bandits, I also salute you!
  8. NicalaMH

    Sorry lads.

    So brilliant! It's those moments that make DayZ so awesome. Finding brand new ways to flummox/frusterate the hell out of your fellow gamers. You win sir! :)