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About eddybravo2654

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. eddybravo2654

    Well, here is the issue with zombies... [VIDEO]

    I also said "Am I bleeding... don't even tell me that I am FUCKING BLEEDING!" Not whatever kind of word manipulation devices you guys must be using to hear whatever you heard.. like.. seriously?
  2. eddybravo2654

    Well, here is the issue with zombies... [VIDEO]

    Done responding to the lot of you. I am glad if you enjoyed the video, whatever just stop telling me it's alpha and shit because I clearly know that and stop telling me to deal with it while they are buggy as I get all that and - wait no, I said I was done I said all this like, at least twice. I am done. If you still don't get it, shuv it in your crusty butthole lol.
  3. eddybravo2654

    Well, here is the issue with zombies... [VIDEO]

    Ever had like, 6 people moaning at you for stupid shit? No, you haven't because all you do is agree? Oh right well please take your opinions somewhere else about how I should maybe control my anger. Come back when you can respond to 6+ stupid people in one sitting of stupid shitty comments of brainless DayZ tards.
  4. eddybravo2654

    Well, here is the issue with zombies... [VIDEO]

    Thanks for pointing out you should get off the internet like posted in the gif if you can't take my opinion/rage about the issues of Zombies and my rage video to make it more "funny". You didn't get the point. You clearly didn't read what I said. It wasn't that I was only pissed about the zombies, but actually maybe make people laugh at how stupid the zombies are.
  5. eddybravo2654

    Well, here is the issue with zombies... [VIDEO]

    RETARD ALERT! It was clear I was bleeding use your fucking brain you stupid fucking retarded spastic yellow bus moron... You didn't even get the point of this ENTIRE video? IT'S ABOUT THE ZOMBIES, AND THE BLEEDING WAS A RHETORICAL QUESTION. Damn you stupid...
  6. eddybravo2654

    Well, here is the issue with zombies... [VIDEO]

    This is a good example of the type of people on my YouTube comment section xD haha
  7. eddybravo2654

    Well, here is the issue with zombies... [VIDEO]

    Glad you liked it :D
  8. eddybravo2654

    Well, here is the issue with zombies... [VIDEO]

    Yeah I could do that if I play DayZ again and the zombies are buggy as this, and I mean yeah the kids would probably hide behind a tree, cry, and switch off their computers to the noise of gun fire xD
  9. eddybravo2654

    Well, here is the issue with zombies... [VIDEO]

    Yes, you know why I put this up. It wasn't to address a known issue, more make fun of it a little. Thank you.
  10. eddybravo2654

    Well, here is the issue with zombies... [VIDEO]

    If I said I was angry, and I ranted here, I would get "ohh but this in Alpha" I uploaded it for fun, but at the time, I wasn't having much fun xD
  11. ACTUALLY READ THIS RATHER THAN JUST CLICK THE LINK AND RANT ON MY COMMENTS. THIS LINE WAS FOR THE MENTALLY CHALLENGED. THANK YOU. This video is for FUN so please don't get ANGRY that I got ANGRY over the ALPHA as this is for FUN and for FUN purposes and it was FUN to upload. INB4 "BUT IT'S IN ALPHA YOU ASSHOLE!" I know it's in alpha.. it's for fun dat is why mayun! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoq8SIkNHcc [EDIT] I did rage, yes, but obviously I uploaded because it's an issue that needs to be addressed but not urgently, as it's already and known issue and it needed to be in video format. This is to poke fun at the how it is now and my reaction to it xD (Yes, the rant was real, and not fake) I also uploaded this video as it was fun uploading it, at the time I was clearly pissed haha.
  12. eddybravo2654

    Finding a Mosin

    Never found one my self but my friends have better luck finding them