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Everything posted by doctahg

  1. Any help appreciated... What is the best way to figure out where you are at spawn? With it usually being pitch black, I just head east or west along the coast soon as I stumble on to the highway or railroad. Last night i finall found a large village with some tank monuments and finally, a well, which with 3 other toons I had yet to find. One sign I saw was Riopka? 3 km. couldn't figure the top city. When I tried to find it on the maps I found here there was no Riopka. What is the best way to find location in the dark? How long does that battery last with moderate usage.? Have yet to find a gun or ammonywhere. Found a scope no more. Found 4 deer stands, nothing.. Just axes a couple times which are good. This game seems to warrant a clan or at least a friend or two. Can get boring alone as it would if real for sure. Have a ton of questions but am trying to get answers throughout the guides and videos. One good one was which med supplies work or not...saves a lot of inv space, although only once did I find a backpack...4 with my current toon, no other. 4 spots makes it tough. Water has been my biggest problem. Ty
  2. doctahg

    Couple of noob questions

    I am on the East coast Berenzino. Wasn't much there though...heading West later
  3. doctahg

    Couple of noob questions

    Just found a compass..which helpS!
  4. doctahg

    Couple of noob questions

    looked at eh youtune new Spawn vid and the city at the end of the vid looks like the one I am in. it had the Riopka sign there..so I may be near Berenzino, though I cant do anything till daylight comes..
  5. doctahg

    Couple of noob questions

    Ty...been looking at maps to get an idea of my spawn..but I cannot see the ROPKA ish city anywhere. The other looks like HNKXHOE lol are there fixed spawn points? if so anyone know where they are? Thanks again
  6. HI..how do I equip a machete as a weapon? I cannot click anything or anywhere, and when I cycle weapons it doesn't show..let me know please! Ty Doc
  7. doctahg

    Trouble equipping a machete.

    It was on the toolbelt..only when I dropped it and picked it up again could I equip it.
  8. doctahg

    Trouble equipping a machete.

    found it on You tube..thanks for reading it! Doc
  9. ty..thought I tried that but will again!
  10. My name is my name! Havent figured out why Arma or Dayz for that will let me edit it to my gaming name! I think it is taking my computer name...wierd...the edit profile/name will not work. Anyone have a clue?
  11. doctahg

    Picking up things

    Can someone explain how to pick things up? All i have read is click the mob, open gear? And that's how it works? Played arma years ago but don't remember what I am missing. Thanks for any help! Doc
  12. doctahg

    Picking up things

    Ty..I tried everything to grab the xbow bolt to no avail! I always remember arma having some weird key binds..