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Everything posted by SASMatt

  1. I would just like to say, to everyone. Why the hell not. What harm would it do to make all files more accessible to server owners. It's not like it harms ANYONE! People can choose to edit the files and people can choose not to. Is it really that big of a problem to allow us to make our server our own and how we want it? I personally feel that DayZ mod is becoming more like 'We'll change shit and you will deal and love it'. The dev's certainly have the mindless fan-boys to back them. And just reading this forum thread has really opened my eyes to how many idiots there are out there that are so simple minded they cant even accept an idea that isn't from the fucking creme de la creme Mr. Dean 'Rocket' Hall. We are the community, DayZ wouldn't be what it was if it wasn't for us. We should have a say. We should get to make our PRIVATE server our own and make it how we want it.