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Everything posted by ryanpeck

  1. Hi there, me and 4 of my friends already play dayz origins but we want more people to join us to build the ultimate clan. we want to make a big clan and we need YOU to join us and become one big team. all of the server information is below. Official DayZ Origins #UK000(1.7.5/103419)[REG][3DP:ON][CH:ON][4h Day/Night] SuperCharged by dayzorigins.com 7 Dayz Origins on tavi we already have lots of weapons and ammunition to give to the new comers of our clan and house parts for anyone who wants to join, email me at..... fly-ry@live.com we need YOU.
  2. email me if your interested at fly-ry@live.com
  3. would you want to join me and my friends on dayz origins on our server?