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Everything posted by Leechman

  1. Leechman

    Zombies are invisible?

    Unsure. Try the bug report forum.
  2. Leechman

    Dynamic bandit AI Groups

    No. The only humans in this game should be players and zombies. Anything more and it's not DayZ.
  3. rainymood.com Nothing more, nothing less.
  4. Leechman

    Im new, need tips!

    Just be mindful of what you're doing and what you're not doing. You're creeping into a small village to check out a house that may have some delicious beans? You're prone or crouch walking? You checked out the village thoroughly beforehand and know exactly where you want to go? Great! At the same time you're not constantly scanning the area for threats? You don't have a contingency plan if you get attacked? You're not able to hear nearby noises because you have music playing? Not Great. Stealth > All
  5. Spending a large amount of time collecting a big zombie following (50+ at least) with the plan of running them through Cherno and Elektro for funsies. Get to Cherno, turn a corner, ALL but 6 of the zombies I had painstakingly rounded up have stopped chasing me. Go back around the corner, they've disappeared. FML.
  6. Leechman

    After a few days.. Some thoughts

    1. Yes. In fact, more zombies overall that are more threatening. Zombies that increase the risk of most gameplay aspects (firing weapons, running, staying still for extended periods of time). They need to impact the decision making of players to give greater value to gear and your life. 2. Yes. I would actually prefer if we start with far less than we do right now. Possibly even randomising it a little bit. 3. Yes. Canned food/Soda drinks are too prevalent. I'd also like to see the removal of the ocean as a potential water source. Make players have to actually weigh up the risks of crawling into town to use the water pump against dying of thirst before finding a fresh water source to fill up from. 4. Maximum indifference. I don't really care, but they are a coding pain in the ass. 5. Yes. See 1. Good suggestions.
  7. Leechman

    Suggested tweaks to balance game play

    I started out just using these as examples for pro bandit punishment people on how to improve their proposals. I didn't actually see a dire need for change. I think I've actually managed to argue myself into believing my examples need to happen. Zombies NEED to be more difficult/threatening. Not from a PvP resolution standpoint, but from an overall gameplay view. My examples are now suggestions I would like to see implemented for testing if possible. I'm happy to accept any feedback on them.
  8. Leechman

    Suggestions to solve the biggest issues

    Sigh, I'm not going to argue whether bandits should be punished. I'm over it. Your suggestion will alienate a section of the playerbase and goes against the developer's intentions. Whether you believe it or not, you are adding rules to the game that inhibit player freedom AND immersion. Something rocket is vehemently against. Whether you realise it or not your system is a punishment that exhibits favouritism to one playstyle. Be open-minded about what your are suggesting. Shifting the balance of risk is what is needed. Make zombies far more dangerous. Especially towards 'active'(firing guns, running etc) players. Zombies are the key, and the perfect deterrent. Correcting your size dimensions here. It is Kilometres not miles. And Just for the record' date=' the map is 15km x 15km. When people hear "255km2" I think they get the wrong idea about size. 15km is not a huge amount of distance to run. It's not even half a marathon. And that's only if you're running from absolute south (in the ocean) to absolute north or from absolute East (in the ocean) to absolute west. I understand hardcore. Because a crawler zombie was so silent in the dead of night (I had no moonlight) and got a lucky knockout I was crawling back to the NE airfield from the far side of Krasnostav with a broken leg, 212 blood and the shakes to find friends for medical supplies. Instead, I found their corpses and the horde that took them down hovering over them. I managed to move most of them away with my trusty whiskey bottle and got some morphine/pain killers. I passed out as I was about to climb the ladder to the control tower to find the guy who had blood packs and get promptly stumbled over by a zombie who decided to turn the corner and path straight towards me. Your spawn suggestion does nothing to improve the 'hardcore' nature of the game you speak of. In fact it detracts from it, by separating potentially hostile players from the mix along the beach. Instead, shift the balance of risk. Make Active methods of playing more dangerous by increasing the number and hostility of zombies. When you see another player and have to weigh up the risks of shooting him for his beans (or just for fun) against the massive number of zombies that will descend on you for firing your gun, an your chance of survival, you are deterring reckless gameplay and creating the challenge which you seem so adamant about while making the overall game more realistic and fun. I'm not entirely sure I understand your meaning behind these sentences. Your suggestion of affecting spawn locations/starting gear IS 'just displacing the bandits with no resolution for the players that tried to do something within the game'. I'm also not sure how affecting spawn locations/starting gear will 'give players the power to resolve such conflicts between themselves' The way I'm reading them, it sounds like you're arguing against yourself? :/
  9. Leechman

    Any chance for being able to play as a girl?

    Wasn't there another thread in General about this? I'm all for it, but let's fix and refine zombies and other balance mechanics first.
  10. Leechman

    Better Bandit skin?

    What if you had a thousand hands and a thousand eyes so you could use them all at once?
  11. Leechman

    Support of Day Z Lite

    I'd like to see things get a bit more refined first ;)
  12. Leechman

    Day/Night Time

    I'm an Australian forced to play on US servers because any time I try to get on my local servers they are full of US players chasing daylight. I rarely play below 300ms. Don't talk to me about ping.
  13. No. Removing military camps removes immersion and removes high-value locations for players to scavenge through. Instead, increase the risk of choosing a military camp as your scavenging target. Increase the base spawn number of zombies for military camps. Increase the toughness of Military zombies. Don't remove an important aspect of the game. Increase the risk. I'm so indifferent to this suggestion I don't even understand its relevance. Yes the indicators already exist, but what will removing the numbers from the debug panel achieve? The core premise of this game is far separated from CoD. Even if zombies were to be removed it would still be vastly different to CoD. These kinds of comparisons infuriate me and reduce the legitimacy of your argument. I see the rationale behind this, but fundamentally disagree with it. Not going to go into further detail, as I've sworn off arguing the validity of PvP in this game. Pointless stats are my favourite stats! I would love to see a 'Most Whiskey Bottles Thrown" leader board, or a "Most meat cooked on a fire" leader board. +1 to having more leaderboards for hilariously pointless actions. You revived a thread that had been shut down by a moderator by quoting it in your 'new' thread. Reviving of threads is almost always frowned upon, regardless of whether its written in the posted 'rules'. You deliberately went against a moderator's actions by reviving the thread in the manner above. If you want something actually in the posted rules, I don't doubt that this constituted you "being a pain in the ass". Oktyabr was trying to give your post a legitimate chance to foster a discussion by turning it into a post with a suggestion, instead of locking/deleting it straight away. Which would you have preferred?
  14. Leechman

    Day/Night Time

    I don't think there is a need for a change. If you wish to chase the daylight, switch server time zones. If there was to be a change in the day/night cycle I would rather 6/6 than the suggested 3/3.
  15. Leechman


    I definitely like the suicide suggestion. As for the poisons, a few suggestions of my own. I think it would be better, and simpler (at least for testing) to have 1 type of poison that spawns at a reasonably rare rate. (Add more later if the concept works and they can be balanced with each other) I feel like all poisons (if multiple were to be implemented) should have a mid-length timer before they cause death (Nothing shorter than 30mins or longer than 90mins) and that symptoms should show early (as in a couple of minutes, no more than 10) Antidotes should be available, but in dangerous, or out of the way locations and acquiring it in time should be a challenge. I'm not sure about different poisons curing each other, and would prefer it if the antidote was a new specific item. Your suggested methods of poisoning someone are perfect. I'd love to see poisoned meat or canteens being left out in a well-travelled location only to be picked up and consumed by some starving survivor. And that's when the quest for the antidote begins. :D
  16. Leechman

    Suggested tweaks to balance game play

    It's fine. I've moderated forums similar in size to this and completely understand the issue with the original title. :) More or less. I'm ok with things staying the same, and don't feel banditry in any form is an issue. However, the volume of posts regarding it is, or at least indicates something I'm not experiencing. Shifting risk and threat to the PvE side can improve the overall challenge, immersion and fun of the game for all. I'm also hoping that my suggestions can give people better thought process for more effective suggestions. Of course fixing and refining zombies first is more important :) Note to self: New suggestion thread - change bandit skins to girl scout uniforms. Remove guns, make bandits throw cookies. :D
  17. Leechman

    Suggested tweaks to balance game play

    Apologies, Change it as you see fit. I also don't want another PvP sissy fight.
  18. Leechman

    Non-lethal weapons and traps.

    Love these ideas.
  19. Leechman

    Infection Feature? Anyone?

    A potentially good idea. However, I think zombies as they currently are in the game need to be refined before such a system could be implemented first.
  20. Leechman

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    I'll agree to this ONLY if dogs also mark their territory and get into turf wars with zombies :D
  21. If it can't be done easily then I'm fine without it. Refining gameplay/fixing bugs is more important than introducing new models that aren't strictly necessary. Would just be nice to think about for future additions.
  22. Leechman

    [v1.5.6] Zombies / Loot Spawn Issues

    Confirming this bug as well. Hopped across multiple servers (US/Chicago/Atlanta/Seattle) in the last 4 hours All had low numbers (always >60, usually ~30) or no zombies at all and no loot was spawning except the occasional body bag. Only happened to my eyes since 1.5.6