Hi there Fellow survivors and Dean.. If you read this! I got some Interesting Ideas that could be integrated in Dayz Mod or even standalone! -The idea of button Binded actions (EG, When you press 9 you wave or when you press 8 you give a thumbs up) -the idea of melee weapons to be secondary! I hate dropping my primary to dong a zombie on the head! -the idea of if you having to filter your water somehow before drinking from a dirty lake or youll get sick! -NO BATTLEYE! I personally hate battleye I have been banned three times and had to buy the game three times again for no reason, I know lots of friends who could relate! -The idea of picking up veggies from a farm! -The idea of if you reload the wrong ammo into your gun and use it, the gun wil explode in your face! Please leave your feedback in the comments weather you think these are good ideas!