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Everything posted by S.Maelstrom

  1. S.Maelstrom

    Best Way to Raid a Heli-Crash Site (Solo)

    I usually throw a couple of smoke grenades - these are abundant, and chances are, you'll find more smoke grenades on that crashsite than you came there with, so don't hesitate to use them. I also turn my "objects detail" setting down to "very low", makes items lying on the ground be seen easier.
  2. S.Maelstrom

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    I've only played, and watching videos from previous patches made me realize just how easy the zeds were. I even tried Lingor, where the zeds are in pre-patch state, apparently, and my goodness it sucked. Not scary. Have you guys watched "28 days later"? 1 bite, 1 drop of blood getting in your mouth infects you for good. I know that survivors are immune to the *rage virus*, but can't you get it? It's not the dumb undead we're fighting, after all, the game is meant to be hard. Don't risk it if you know you can't handle the consequences, and stick to "not one bite" rule all the time, because one bite can and will screw you.
  3. S.Maelstrom

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 to DrScandalous
  4. S.Maelstrom

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 to DaveAzoicer.
  5. S.Maelstrom

    So, we killed Gooogle today.

    At last, one less shitposter around here.
  6. S.Maelstrom

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 to Marion Mic too!
  7. S.Maelstrom

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    But FR 129 also has 3d person on.
  8. S.Maelstrom

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    Faco, consider this, please? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/145895-first-vs-third-person-discussion-dslyecxi-video/
  9. S.Maelstrom

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    Okay now, I was banned for no apparent reason(while being in the lobby), message says "Admin Ban". player: Maelstrom, FR 130
  10. I'm in dire need of your help once again, folks, low on blood+infected, survivor, located at grid 081-110. I'll be hanging around on ts. Thank you
  11. Great service you provide to the public, TMW, having used your help a few times now I ought to leave 100% positive feedback. Perfectly conducted medical ops, everytime, you guys are the best. :thumbsup:
  12. S.Maelstrom

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    What's the reason behind frequent no-warning server restarts? When it just says "session lost" and the server restarts a few times in a row? We had a perfect helicopter and lost it to this(we were flying when it happened)
  13. S.Maelstrom

    Session lost in vehicle.

    Getting "session lost" while flying a helo is one of the most frustrating things I've ever had in this game.
  14. As of now, you can crouch-run away from the infected and they won't have a chance to hit you since they have to stop to attack, even though they run at their full speed. They are glitched. If SA fixes that, there is no need to up their speed.
  15. S.Maelstrom

    How to know if its a private hive

    I'm surprised noone has noticed that, it's easy - official servers have "@hive" in their expansions, if there is no such thing or it it's slightly different - it's not hooked up to the public hive system. Private hives usually use "@Hive", "@dayzcc", "@bliss" and various versions of these. Now hand over your beans.
  16. S.Maelstrom

    Melee is now Pointless

    expect the life expectancy to plunge.
  17. S.Maelstrom

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    The first one, at Rog, I instantly died before the eyes of my friend, Backseatsman, who was killed a few minutes later to what we believe was a cheater(he shot him through a wall). During that time the server has carried out series of restarts, more particularly, returning an error "session lost" without warnings(although we believe we saw red messages flashing in the chat, but that was too quick to read a single word). All I want to know is what caused it. Was it a cheater, or is it the server's fault? Did we die to a fair reason, or was it a misunderstanding of the game on our part(particularly, talking about my friend being shot through a wall). Thank you. Your server is the best out there.
  18. S.Maelstrom

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    Hi Facoptere, 10 minutes ago something weird happened, I just... died, from nothing. Around 2.50 pm GMT, playername: Maelstrom, server: FR 34. Could you check the logs? I dropped dead for no reason, as frustrating as it can be. The server is extremely unstable right now from what it seems. Losing session for probably the fifth time in a row already, rolling my character back each time. Is it possible to revive my character even? I had pretty fine stuff on me.
  19. S.Maelstrom

    High FPS = More Zeds???

    Get sneaky. Learn to lose the zeds in trees and bushes and looting towns becomes relatively easy (until you make a mistake or a bandit comes into equation) This is zombie apocalypse, adapt or die.
  20. S.Maelstrom

    Melee Weapon Quick Switch Help/Advice

    This gentleman is spot-on. Option one.
  21. S.Maelstrom

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    I've noticed really annoying desync or lagging problem(don't know how to properly call it) reoccuring lately - when it happens, GUI parameters freeze(you don't gain or lose hunger, blood, thirst visually), zombies can't see the player yet he's able to loot everything just fine. Although you can pick up and drop items with no problem, item interaction gets extremely laggy - consumables don't get consumed, tools are not responding. If you press the esc button you can see all the menu options available: skip, restart, respawn, options and abort - even if the zombies and players are nearby. What's up with that? It happens on a lot of servers apparently, but I mostly play here so that's where I notice it the most.
  22. S.Maelstrom

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    Had the same thing today, me and my buddy were looting a crashsite near Novy Sobor @FR 34 when we saw a player, friendly at first, not so much a few minutes later when he tried to kill my friend - #293 kicked him out with the first bullet that hit him, when he logged back on he found no injuries or loss of blood. When he shot the offender back, instead of dying or taking damage the offender was kicked with the same restriction. Weird. I kept seeing a lot of people today getting kicked with #293.
  23. Happened around 4.30 GMT, DE 2408 server, he appeared and started shooting my buddy while we were looting the crashsite. I hit him a few times and so did my buddy, the cheater didn't appear to be bothered by that though. video below: Higher quality Regards, Maelstrom.