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Everything posted by Wolfensteinsaurus

  1. Wolfensteinsaurus

    The Offical DayZ forums Animation thread

    Hey man, I can't see the pics, can you put them on imgur?.
  2. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Am I Insane?.

  3. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Am I Insane?.

    Wha- Batman?!.
  4. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Some Reasons Why I would like Offline SP In The Standalone.

    Your welcome mate, just some constructive critiscm.
  5. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Some Reasons Why I would like Offline SP In The Standalone.

    It sure would...He...hehe...heehehehueheuheueheuehueheuheuhe...
  6. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Some Reasons Why I would like Offline SP In The Standalone.

    Not everyone likes PVP? I'm your friend mate, I like you. But this is a fucking terrible idea. The basis of DayZ is to survive encounters with other people, and it does that, whilst making the world seem lonely and dangerous. The idea of offline makes me feel like I'm cheating too.
  7. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Irish Survivors! Gather!

    That's traditional Irish that is.I'm shocked you don't know it :D.
  8. Wolfensteinsaurus

    The Offical DayZ forums Animation thread

    Yep, we have the script sorted out, but we need a animator and cameos sorted out. Im a bit busy. so could you sort us out a animator please wooley?.
  9. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Hey guys!

    Hallo Sugar, welcome.
  10. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Roleplay Story.

    No actually...you don't have to put a comma there...
  11. Wolfensteinsaurus

    I have done a bad thing.

    No, no no... What you did was a good thing!.
  12. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Today is a sad day for me

    Damn man, sounds sad indeed.
  13. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Roleplay Story.

    Now, lets get this straight motherfucker.You wanna take this outside?.
  14. Wolfensteinsaurus

    A tip for an unwise chap

    Right, hear a gunshot? Go batshit crazy and run, if yo think you can handle it, then approach cautiously.
  15. Wolfensteinsaurus

    The Offical DayZ forums Animation thread

    No one? Really? :(.
  16. Wolfensteinsaurus

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    Don't give us cheek boy.
  17. Wolfensteinsaurus


    So much temptation... SO MUCH...
  18. Wolfensteinsaurus


    Nobody needs to know...Nobody needs to know... Ssssssh....
  19. Wolfensteinsaurus


  20. Wolfensteinsaurus

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    Well, I would do this with ease, it adds atmosphere! and its fun!... Im not talking about in-game you know...
  21. Wolfensteinsaurus

    playing dead opossum style

    I like it, but seems Unorthodox . Having to shoot every dead person around you to check isn't handy. And are you going to have a jar of flies around you every time?.
  22. Wolfensteinsaurus

    The Most Cruel Thing To Do To Someone...

    Bitch please, you think that's Sadistic?...
  23. Wolfensteinsaurus

    The Offical DayZ forums Animation thread

    Right kiddos, here's some crappy concept art which looks like a 5 year old drew it.
  24. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Global ban

    Wasn't hacking?. BU...BU...BU...BULLSHIT.
  25. Wolfensteinsaurus


    No idea :D, even in Real life, without me saying a word. People say "Hey mate, you German?". Yes. They then proceed to make Nazi jokes.