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Everything posted by Wolfensteinsaurus

  1. Wolfensteinsaurus

    The Offical DayZ forums Animation thread

    Like Cap'n said, there will be as many people as possible. You may get a cameo, such as the invasion of the cities.
  2. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Breaking Point - Everlasting Knockout

    Skypill is right, it would be more suitable and easier if you went on breaking point and asked.
  3. Wolfensteinsaurus

    write on wall with victim blood

    Mutilated intestines, yes...I filled my Megaton bath with them... Good times.
  4. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Admin Abuse - UK352 - Public Hive

    We can't really do much, Like Steak said. If you think things are wrong, stop from players getting in the same situation.
  5. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Excessive military loot

    This, I've played the Campaign, editor and etc.It would be likely for AK's to be found in a house.
  6. Wolfensteinsaurus

    [SA] Deathmessages - yes or no?

    Hate them, they are another bit of Cluttering HUD, and they serve no purpose and kill the "mood".
  7. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Unconscious Zombies?

  8. Respect the Tractor, it will respect you. Remember, it's probably more scared by us than you are of it.
  9. Wolfensteinsaurus

    What card is better ?

    So... So sexual...
  10. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Idea : Technical escape !

    I like it, but we would have to see if it would be like the DayZ mod choice/ inventory, if so I strongly doubt it would work, due to the clunkiness (not moaning).
  11. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Difficulties with game.

    Ah, sorry LoK.
  12. Wolfensteinsaurus

    22 hour day.

    I quite like the idea mate...Very good and thoughtful!. But... Reddit Grrrrrrrrrrr...
  13. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Dean is rounding up SA client for release

    Ooooh... Now im happy, I do expect the alpha to be released in or around Halloween. Im a happy man :D.
  14. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Unconscious Zombies?

    It is awful considering the DayZ lore, Zombies are infected. Their brain is near dead, so it wouldn't make sense anyway, probably destroying the brain so that they couldn't really be knocked out.
  15. Wolfensteinsaurus

    What does your setup look like?

    Oh, that was a bummer...
  16. Wolfensteinsaurus

    military aircraft carrier with weapons in dayz SA? yes or no?

    An aircraft carrier wouldn't be around on the coast of a country, more like very far out in sea. And I doubt it would be in the type of place Chenarus is.
  17. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Really? What an easy installation

    Its the bees knees with DayZcommander.
  18. Wolfensteinsaurus

    [Video] Fighting at both airfields! (NWAF & NEAF)

    Looks a bit pixelated, but good quality! nice! keep going.
  19. Wolfensteinsaurus

    What does your setup look like?

    Nice laptop man!. what is that?.
  20. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Excessive military loot

    The type of weapon suited in Chenarus are makeshift, Soviet old farmer weapons. Not Alien blasters.
  21. Wolfensteinsaurus

    What does your setup look like?

    Massive IMac sat on a wooden desktop table surrounded with Warhammer 40k tanks and soldiers. A German tiger tank model. And a collection of Dinosaur stickers. B)
  22. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Unconscious Zombies?

    Nope, hate the idea.
  23. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Day Z Urban Legends

  24. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Zombie Pack-Like Behavior

    Well, I would like the idea of Zeds scrabbling at each others for the arm of a poor hero. Some bits should be implemented, some should go!...
  25. Wolfensteinsaurus

    Veteranship? (SA)

    Yep, I'll be cruely Lining a few newbies up against the wall and riddling them with lead. The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand. Sun Tzu