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Everything posted by TheOldManoftheNorth

  1. TheOldManoftheNorth

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    It's bad. Real bad right now. Anyone wanna save an old man time from perusing the series of tubes for when the devs will have a good handle on this? I'm too old for this stuff.
  2. I quickly searched to make certain no one has elaborated on this in this way- so far no result. If I'm mistaken, feel free to write explicits and then ignore. In my ongoing medical training, diet on the molecular level has crazy macro effects we see. In the past, British sailors were called "limeys" (if I remember correctly) because they kept limes on the boat as a source of- unknown to them at the time- Vitamin C. Deficiencies in any water-soluable vitamins like Vit C can occur rapidly, and effects are big- from an inability to synthesize proteins, to the body's inability to create 'energy'. I realize this is FAAAAAR too much to incorporate in the SA, but in a macro sense, I'm not so sure. So, here's what could happen... These values would have to be exaggerated as some deficiencies take too long to make an issue. Multivitamins are GOLD/non existent. More rare than antibiotics. These items have an interrelated value= susceptibility to infection created from lack of vitamins in diet, antibiotics only a temporary fix. Different parts of the map have different values for particular foods that supply particular diet items. -i.e. a fruit orchard near balota? you can pick fruit etc ~ value= b and c vit's= ability to run (energy), wound healing/not spontaneously bleeding (as seen in scurvy) less susceptible to infection -big game animals in the north? ~ capture and cook etc ~ value= stops iron deficient anemia~ equivalent to a slow blood loss -vegetable farm in Zlenogorsk? ~ meh, fat soluble vit's I guess ~ value= stops vision impairment The added benefit= people wouldn't survive long enough to scavenge the entire map for particular items= survivor value is encouraged (less kos because I need this guy alive so he can go and get stuff I need) player movement about map is encouraged (less camping, no particular spot is more important than the other) bartering/trade is encouraged (to get items you don't have time to get yourself= "ill give you an orange for a rabbit leg" haha) team/group play encouraged (whether you stick together or split up, you have to find a way to meet dietary requirements) This also gives players something to be constantly doing- regardless of how you play, if "sniping someone from 800+m" is your 'macro goal', surely maintaining a healthy diet to be able to have the energy to do so is a 'micro goal'. I would believe then, that bandits/survivors alike will have to have moments where they're not completely kos a-holes/altruistic goodie-goodies, respectively. That's all the time I have to elaborate on this. There's much more to it, but I don't know if it would be a coding nightmare or something. I will say though, with all due respect, the "bloodtransfusion / hostage" thing is no more far fetched than a diet system.
  3. TheOldManoftheNorth

    [SA] Diet/Medicine system = dynamic trade/survivor value system

    lol. yeah I figured I'd get the coding slap... but a guy can dream right? I'd love to elaborate on some of the thoughts I had about this- and thankfully you hit on a lot of it. I agree I don't think its wise to make particular areas that has certain things- but more like a 'modifier' as to expect something more... which really isn't all that different than what is already in the game. The only real orchard in the game currently is Balota, so it doesn't seem far fetched to make this a possibility. still, finding an apple tree in another town shouldn't be to difficult either- but whether or not its already been farmed- that's the question. Which is what would encourage people to move about the map/trade with other people from different areas... hell, its not too far fetched to think someone would try to organize an in game realtime market- where they have people in a group go fetch things...of course then you'd have all resources in one area==== high probability of someone wanting to take it over/ bandito it up. but this is what I mean- it gives the game another dimension, a dynamic thing to play around with. people always shoot down ideas that are created to bottleneck people into a way of gameplay. this is different because it is requisite of living, but not of gameplay. hell, if you wanna starve to death and just kos all day you can still do it- but it'll be shortlived. the choice is still yours. and it still embodies the who 'survival' aspect of the game, which~ if the argument is "I don't wanna play a game that worries about what I eat", then why did you choose a survival game in the first place. p.s... Vit C and Fe3+ -> Fe2+ for absorption, well done sir. background? I don't think I intended it to be 'hard' to eat the right food, but rather another part of the gameplay. no, i don't think you should need a dietitian to be successful in game- but I don't think its too difficult to realize beans are not the best well rounded diet. As for the multivits- I'm still in limbo about the idea, at first I thought it could be good- but then they'd have to have a value (i.e. 10 qty) or something and it prob would become 1) a coding issue as before and 2) a golden ticket to be a bandito-dom. Lol. "But not impossible." I'LL TAKE IT! haha, thanks man.
  4. TheOldManoftheNorth

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    lol. although... an acog in basic?
  5. TheOldManoftheNorth

    A simple attachment

    M249's can/do use USGI/STANAG mags. This was to increase the availability of ammunition for the SAW, should belt fed be unavailable at the time. "In real life" you may avoid it because... A.) the spring in the mag rarely can keep up with the rate of fire and can jam your shit B.) having to fire smaller bursts means you're unable to be used 'effectively' in combat C.) suppress and move is rendered more difficult D.) all of the above
  6. TheOldManoftheNorth

    Mayke the world a 'living world".

    I don't understand how this is getting posts... Shit. I get it now.
  7. TheOldManoftheNorth

    DayZ Mod Suggestion shooting Zeds

    I once played RE6 mercenaries. I was killed by a zombie rifleman with a SCAR. I now use my xbox as a wheel chock for my trailer.
  8. TheOldManoftheNorth

    Gais, Gais, Gais! SA Idea - Children Zeds?

    Haha. A LOT older.
  9. TheOldManoftheNorth

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    True. To add, if you hear a heli, and you're a sniper, 50cal or not you should be doing one of two things- moving as fast as your little legs will carry you, or not moving at all.
  10. TheOldManoftheNorth

    BUIS for weapons with optics

    Either I didn't want to, or my second post was four hours later or both. To add, why should someone get a notification that I'm responding to another person anyway. Multiple quotes can be annoying... and blah blah whatever. This is above the amount of my time you deserve.
  11. TheOldManoftheNorth

    BUIS for weapons with optics

    And Rooster ( I have no idea why I called you Woodland before, musta been hittin the sauce heavy) yeah I was wondering why don't you do an angle mounted, but I'm sure I already know the answer- price. You'd have to change your rig up a bit- and unless you have bullets whizzing/cracking by your head... meh. Who needs it.
  12. TheOldManoftheNorth

    BUIS for weapons with optics

    And this is why I dig the game. Because you understand what we're talking about, but recognize the limitations of the game etc and at least have a straightforward answer/solution that compromises between the two dialogues. Thank you. I should also add, if I wanted full on reality, there's still a war in Afghanistan and always room for one more pair of hands to hold a rifle lol.
  13. TheOldManoftheNorth

    BUIS for weapons with optics

    the point he's making- if you have to remove it in your UI during combat, you're combat ineffective... and if the other guy can actually shoot... it means you're dead. So, technically you should not have to remove the optics to use them. RCOs or otherwise. p.s.- Woodland, why not an anglemounted system?
  14. TheOldManoftheNorth

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    here, here.
  15. TheOldManoftheNorth

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    lol... well i should have said something like 'i KNOW' it exists, but i haven't been to that thread in a while and there were a few recent ones that had some shopping effort. So thank you for the reminder. Though I meant something like this- I was doing laundry... so 36 mins + I don't know, they're not dry yet.
  16. TheOldManoftheNorth

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    ok, i don't have time to spend on cs... but i do want to suggest... only because it would be *FUNNY*, not seriously trying to be a jerk, but just poking fun- at 'shopped' pictures of rocket doing things other than working on the sa. probably already exists in a crap meme form but it would be a good laugh to see some good artistic effort.
  17. TheOldManoftheNorth


    Why, if the devs are going to implement a class structure or system or whatever terminology you use for it, haven't they thought of adding an "Oregon Trail" effect to it- where you spawn at a place relevant to your "class choice". And within the class choice comes specific attributes that allow for further upgrading. I know they spoke about books, manuals, etc- but perhaps that should be in addition to this type of thing without making that idea to big, or taxing on the performance, or creating a 'reading simulator 3000'. EXAMPLES INCLUDE- -Medical staff= spawn at/near hospital/clinic/outpost, knows health system on basic level- can read manuals above intermediate level that only make sense to them (scramble the words of the manual to "simulate" not understanding medical jargon) to get to 'expert' level, only achieved by this class individual. - manual could read something like~ ord oseing theha pqlas tha cdsioa wepqw cdas, ewci wieryt rers a... it should look like a CD Key. lolz. -Countryside farmer= spawn at various houses/farms/etc, knows outdoor survival on basic level- can also read local language (russian, etc) which makes 'expert' manuals unscrambled by them only, etc etc -Mechanic= you get the idea, can fix cars on an expert level- sure people can change a tire, but can you install a starter... i mean probably but still. ha. -Military private= gun care, weapons expert, long range expertise- but... spawns looking like military= shaved head etc= will be known to players people will know to avoid/shoot on sight... which means behavior in the beginning of this class will have to be very tame, influencing them to delay the gratification of becoming the ultimate surviving douchebag. ha. -etc, etc, etc THE POINT OF THIS? -Player value~ encourages more 'neutral' interaction. You don't 'need' any of these. -Least amount of game correction for Most amount of behavioral psychology correction -Small bump because SA will have a system anyways so this limits the bump -I always laugh at the idea of a lay person trying to start an IV on someone who is dehydrated BETTER EXAMPLE- Ex- Spawn as rural civ (farmer) or whatever = knows how to gut/clean wild game, knows what water is ok, what needs purifying etc. You encounter a vehicle. You scavenge and find car battery and attempt to install. Success!!! +1 mechanic. You find a tire and attempt to change the tire and horraaaaay success! +1 mechanic attrib. Engineparts yatta yatta.... Fail! You're not a "intermediate" mechanic level yet. Scavenge find and engine repair manual. +2 mechanic. you're now an "intermediate". ZOMBIE!!! You're injured, your arm is bleeding and be it you have morphine, you attempt to administer.... OOPS!! You currently suck at medicine right now and admin the deltoid injection directly into the artery... now you've got histamine modulated nitric oxide release and it causes your arm to vasodilate- you're bleeding out badly. You encounter people that have a car and and engine but don't have skill level to fix yet. Thankfully, they have an expert medical person. You say "fix me, I fix your car." HORRAAAYYYY!!!! Recall, you're a FARMER. Not a mechanic. Now this is clearly above how far I wanted to even think into my own idea (or at least what I have the time for) but lets go back to that scenario if you're a decided mechanic... you encounter a HELI or something. Maybe someone has a BADLY damaged engine. This requires EXPERT level mechanics, and you've become this through your efforts. NOW YOURE VALUABLE ABOVE others. This VALUE is MASKED. People don't know this about you. ANYONE you encounter (or someone else) may be VALUABLE as well in the same respect. Therefore, NEUTRAL interaction must occur in order to determine this value and the usefulness of this person. This opens up a world of other things, because you don't really know what the other person has to offer...and for bandits- it could make them salivate at the possiblity of hostage imprisonment, etc etc. Get creative. You cannot KILL AND TAKE THESE THINGS. This is why it should be implemented. Currently, why bother to find out what they have... I can pull their items off their corpse. Now, can someone just kill you? Sure. Can someone be an ass and live out their mass murdering dreams? Absolutely. Can people go lone wolf? YES. You don't NEED to be an expert at anything. But everyone talks about "real world simulation" etc etc... think about one thing you're good at, and one thing you suck at. Now remove google and tell me, in a hostile, unforgiving environment- how good do you think you'll become at that thing you suck at. Classes don't predetermine gameplay... they simulate what you suck at and what you're good at. Yes, you can get better. Yes, some people have multiple talents. But even a manual, or in the instance of my morphine 'joke' a Gray's Anatomy or PDR wont help you become a physician.
  18. TheOldManoftheNorth


    btw, thanks.
  19. TheOldManoftheNorth

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    I'm an old man. Forgive me of my grumpiness. carry on.
  20. TheOldManoftheNorth

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

  21. I might be chiming in late here... but, the removal of all the 'meters' on your screen is a move toward 'immersion'. Although I get it that you should be worried someone can steal your stuff when you're away... signing out is not being 'away'. I think- and I'm certain this is up to interpretation so I won't argue it heavily- that being concerned for your stuff while you're not logged in is a problem of immersion. I'm 'signed out'. My 'character' isn't sleeping in that tent/base. He/she isn't anything. This isn't a problem until the world keeps moving on when you're away. There's no psychological correlate to this. We can 'makeup' ideas in our heads to explain this~ I'm sleeping nearby and luckily they never find me but they find my gear~ we do this for a lot of things in this game. But it presses us away from the immersion aspect. Anecdotal evidence (skip if you're not in the mood to read, just funny)- last night when I quickly rolled under a wall to get away from a zed and he Muhammad Ali haymaker'd me through the wall and knocked me out. I said to myself...well, in game he can't climb under the wall very fast... so IRL maybe he'd still get me. I lied to myself to sustain the immersive aspect of the game. This is a stretch I know... but otherwise I've had it with this game to be honest. It's old, clunky, and without imagination nostalgic at best. But with imagination... running through Cherno at night with only a flashlight in first person and seeing the zeds silhouette up the road... wait is it a player...no too slow...wtf is that. flash, crack, "You are Dead"... can still get my autonomics ramped up. lol. A second aspect to this... I dig getting into a game... a Saturday night spent gaming with my desk cluttered by a bottle of singlemalt and a number of assorted belgian brews... but I will NEVER have the time for farming etc etc and what it takes to basically play games like wow or swtor, though I see the fun that can be had from such titles. This is also (I'm not advertising here) why I posted my thread about the oregon trail thing. Balancing the game ever so slightly so that people that live on it are not at such a massive advantage. I can see how stashing/basing/tents/whateverthenomenclature for storage is could be useful, but too far in one direction removes immersion and in the other makes the game inaccessible to mainstream gaming. So as a sidenote- and I won't hijack the thread with this idea- maybe I'll start another... But I will say this~ the incubation time for this game has been long and judging from their efforts to make the game both 'good' and playable for a diverse group of gamers (survival/fps/mmorpg/etc) not to mention being able to play it on a pc of 'modest' hardware, eludes the idea they want to keep their market large- which is smart. Therefore, narrowing that target audience would be an awful business move. They deserve to be paid handsomely for a novel idea along with their efforts. But the only way to ensure both this and the continuation of the someday series of dayz games, is to make certain they don't marginalize people like me out of this game. Its just the way of the world. They are in arguably the most unique position in the industry right now- artistic freedom backed by a reputable company. Few games since antiquity boast such a position. So to them~ I tip my urban marpat hat and say for the fate of gaming... don't fuck this up. haha. p.s... I'm not a fat cat sitting in my Italian leather chair on the 52nd floor of my Manhattan office, puffing a cigar and holding a scotch older than most the people on this forum. So CODeezer hate and malevolent comments toward me pertaining to the concept of 'mainstream' and the usage of words- namely "business move", "market" and "industry"- are discouraged. I don't care. I have to go to work now. lol.
  22. TheOldManoftheNorth


    Haha. Ok- I get it. Preferred nomenclature is "skill system", not "class system". No control over the original attributes... I could dig that idea. Reincarnated aggregate... can't get behind that idea- that means the people who black out the windows, stop paying bills and order delivery every day are rewarded for their 'commitment'. To add, people will get into a philosophical debate about how that "isn't the point of dayz" or "that it ruins the concept of dayz". Haha. Avoid this conversation like you (should) avoid the "founding fathers' interpretation of..." debate. (those that live in the states) As for the CODeezers- I get the feeling they'll have to become more clever to survive. This means deception. And even I get a little tickle in my fancy for such an idea. The fact that you NEED interaction... but that doesn't dictate HOW you interact... I'm very glad to see some constructive speak about this subject. Regardless of whether or not the game will have a "Class" or "Skill" system- which I'm still not certain if I distinguish the two differently- that first week of hackfree-whatthehellbutton-howthehelldoi-whotheffffffffffffffffisthat-shitshitshit moments in the SA I'm gonna try to play differently (from a behavior psych. standpoint) each time. And that, as I'm certain many can attest, will be some of the best moments in gameplay.
  23. Umm... contracting sepsis? NO more poop talk for you. Do some webMD/google/survival reading. You've got a hydration meter. That's the important one. Pooping is not something you have to 'remember' to do. If you CANT poop, though you want/need to- that's a different issue... one that is best indicated by the hydration meter.
  24. I dig how organized your thoughts were.
  25. TheOldManoftheNorth

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    lol whatthemotherfuck?