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Everything posted by TheOldManoftheNorth

  1. TheOldManoftheNorth


    lolz. boy, you have a lot of faith in public health. the work of jenny mccarthy alone almost put civilization back 70 years.
  2. TheOldManoftheNorth

    More antiquated yet effective weapons.

    Was just about to mention this... Good research, thank you. PS... ummm what's it look like low-poly?
  3. TheOldManoftheNorth

    The Rejected

  4. TheOldManoftheNorth


    And because its in a less-than-middle-socioeconomical-status area (as p.c. as I can make that statement, haha) The conditions of the buildings and such could have been that way just moments before day 0. Ha. Since there's no official DayZ story, we don't know if its days or months after the infection. BTW- "I think this idea has been suggested several times and the general consensus is "no". What idea?
  5. TheOldManoftheNorth

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    They both look like they've had training... no excuses. lolz
  6. TheOldManoftheNorth

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    HAHA. A new standalone idea... Clever +1000 Wit+1000. Leveled up. You can now laugh people to death.
  7. TheOldManoftheNorth

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    lol. taliban everywhere in afghanistan... still, keep that weapon indexed.
  8. TheOldManoftheNorth


    This is where I stopped reading your post. The only thing I did is go back and reread it to make sure I'm not missing something. Perhaps I was vague. This is NOT AT ALL What I was saying. In the interest of 'possibly' saving time, I'll use an example- You start with a BASIC skill set. One that if you spend an hour or two in the game you can gain. But this skill set can eventually, though a long time of gameplay unlock an 'expert' skill set unavailable to anyone who didn't choose this route. Ex- Spawn as rural civ (farmer) or whatever = knows how to gut/clean wild game, knows what water is ok, what needs purifying etc. You encounter a vehicle. You scavenge and find car battery and attempt to install. Success!!! +1 mechanic. You find a tire and attempt to change the tire and horraaaaay success! +1 mechanic attrib. Engineparts yatta yatta.... Fail! You're not a "intermediate" mechanic level yet. Scavenge find and engine repair manual. +2 mechanic. you're now an "intermediate". ZOMBIE!!! You're injured, your arm is bleeding and be it you have morphine, you attempt to administer.... OOPS!! You currently suck at medicine right now and admin the deltoid injection directly into the artery... now you've got histamine modulated nitric oxide release and it causes your arm to vasodilate- you're bleeding out badly. You encounter people that have a car and and engine but don't have skill level to fix yet. Thankfully, they have an expert medical person. You say "fix me, I fix your car." HORRAAAYYYY!!!! Recall, you're a FARMER. Not a mechanic. Now this is clearly above how far I wanted to even think into my own idea (or at least what I have the time for) but lets go back to that scenario if you're a decided mechanic... you encounter a HELI or something. Maybe someone has a BADLY damaged engine. This requires EXPERT level mechanics, and you've become this through your efforts. NOW YOURE VALUABLE ABOVE others. This VALUE is MASKED. People don't know this about you. ANYONE you encounter (or someone else) may be VALUABLE as well in the same respect. Therefore, NEUTRAL interaction must occur in order to determine this value and the usefulness of this person. This opens up a world of other things, because you don't really know what the other person has to offer...and for bandits- it could make them salivate at the possiblity of hostage imprisonment, etc etc. Get creative. You cannot KILL AND TAKE THESE THINGS. This is why it should be implemented. Currently, why bother to find out what they have... I can pull their items off their corpse. Now, can someone just kill you? Sure. Can someone be an ass and live out their mass murdering dreams? Absolutely. Can people go lone wolf? YES. You don't NEED to be an expert at anything. But everyone talks about "real world simulation" etc etc... think about one thing you're good at, and one thing you suck at. Now remove google and tell me, in a hostile, unforgiving environment- how good do you think you'll become at that thing you suck at. Classes don't predetermine gameplay... they simulate what you suck at and what you're good at. Yes, you can get better. Yes, some people have multiple talents. But even a manual, or in the instance of my morphine 'joke' a Gray's Anatomy or PDR wont help you become a physician. Does this better elaborate? And once again, I refuse to go into the hole that is 'game mechanics' drama or anything of the sort. These things can be positive or negative but regardless, exist. I listed the wikipedia link, read it and be creative.
  9. TheOldManoftheNorth


    Did you read my original post? I'm pretty certain its unnecessary to elaborate on a gaming issue that has existed since the inception of videogames. What I guess I should reiterate from my original post- and probably contributes to the majority of your misconception- is you don't NEED any one of these things. If you want to be the proverbial "jack of all trades", you can. But there are certain thing(s) you won't be able to achieve- nor would you technically ever need to. There are no better suited classes for 'lone wolf' gameplay- as it should be understood that the majority of people playing in a fictitious apocalypse are not cross-trained in many disciplines, which mirrors real life as well. Do you do your job, and then after work forage for food, then bring it back driving the car you regularly maintain to your house you've recently built and then prepare the food in a manner that is healthy and not susceptible to the ingestion harmful/infectious substances? NO. All of the scenarios you exemplified only serve to my original statement- to adjust for neutral interaction that would be conducive to cooperative gameplay. The example you used- "function better with a group of players"... ehh. I'm tired. Don't feel like explaining anymore. I think you just didn't read the original post. Try again. I'm just looking for some thoughtful commentary on the subject.
  10. TheOldManoftheNorth

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Haha, hardly poetic...
  11. TheOldManoftheNorth


    Again, as I stated earlier- the game that is 'created' by us will be one that caters to mechanic flaws because no one wants to keep getting beached by not exploiting. This is what I'm getting at. Ideally, YES I think it would be great what you people continue to bark about, but my point is this will NOT be the case. THEREFORE, in an effort to alleviate this issues, a system the coerces people to play in a manner that arguably resembles more 'real' life than the idea of creating a 'real life' environment. Get it?
  12. TheOldManoftheNorth

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

  13. TheOldManoftheNorth

    How about some legitimate DayZ jump scares?

    Well, zombies aren't interested in the expense of their scare- So I could understand if some zeds were a little more 'unnoticeable' which could lead to them sneaking up on you... perhaps a little less than 28 days later zeds but crawling ones etc like the orig post said. Seems a good idea... but like all things- difficult to code. Currently, the devs are making zed models very uniform and ... probably for a lack of a better word 'un-unique', as to free up resources. That would probably take up too much resources to have different animations, models, etc. Still, a good idea nonetheless. DayZ3 will be a great game. So long as the SA doesn't flop. haha.
  14. TheOldManoftheNorth


    Obviously not a 'peer-reviewed' source of what I'm talking about (haha), but something to get people on track. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploit_(online_gaming)
  15. TheOldManoftheNorth


    Zombie unicorns and rainbows. That will NEVER BE THE CASE. Gaming will always have MECHANICS FLAWS. You must not have read what I said. Or thought it through. Am I the only one that recognizes this? Someone else help me understand why people keep saying this quote above... I admit, I could be narrowsighted on my thoughts and perhaps wrong- but I'd love to hear something novel to contest it.
  16. TheOldManoftheNorth


    Meh, just wait. The game he talks about... well... If you can't tell how he gets aroused by space station 13... the whole reason why classes exist is because it promotes balance and need for interaction. Otherwise people always lean toward game mechanic flaws that in turn dictates their 'choice' of how they play.
  17. TheOldManoftheNorth

    What happened to the dayz mod ?

    So true. I quit playing and went back to school- vices and virtues.
  18. TheOldManoftheNorth

    sikorsky mh-53 pave low

    facepalm. I'm going back up north. Stay away from my cottage.
  19. TheOldManoftheNorth


    Well, that's not an awful idea... call it mmm say- "the gauntlet"?
  20. TheOldManoftheNorth

    Give us full control - Darwin's Dream

    I agree with the IDEA of an open to interpretation world except- it would be hell to code. it would be hell to code. and it would be hell to code. I hate to say it- but there will have to some limitations. The possibilities would be exponential and that's probably not realistic. I mean, eating dirt is one thing, but people might get creative- like making a solar still or digging a dakota fire hole. Ultimately, its far beyond the scope of gaming- much less real world survival. I mean, I'm ok with pretend survival because real survival can kindof suck. Civilization is a good thing.
  21. TheOldManoftheNorth


    1) I WAS thinking of a different game- oregon trail... like "banker from boston"... 2) CLASS SYSTEM= 49:00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKwMVPETfs0 3) A large point of my post was to start a discussion about how to level the playing field a bit, if what he says in the video is true. Mostly because people will find ways to become uber bandits anyways, but at least you could make it less preferable to getting arserapped on the beach for a while.