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King of kong

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Everything posted by King of kong

  1. King of kong

    What are you doing to the game we love?

    After watching this, it looks like crap. The inventory is crap. I don't need tet coming up on the screen, I prefered the old HUD. From all the developer blogs, it seems that food and guns are really easy to find. The graphics are a bit shitty. It looks like the SA will be a PVP fest. I'm gonna keep track of dev blogs and think about it.
  2. King of kong

    Chernarus, the unasked questions

    -Where the fuck is all the Vodka? -Why do the trees and doors want to kill you? -Why the fuck do priest zombies chase you into the pub? It's a place of sin for fuck's sake! -Why is there piles of trash all over the NWA? -Why does water go up-wards on the beach? -Why is the sky blue? -Where are all the women?
  3. King of kong

    stronger cars

    I think that if you hit someone with your car, they should thump onto the bonnet, possibly twack against the wind-screen and damage the glass and slow the car
  4. Hi guys. I've ben thinking about the DayZ SA release. I think that if the Development team were to consider this (Maybe after the initial release of the SA). I think it'd be nice if the Developers consider a boxe retail version of the SA, with SP. You'd only have to register the game on Steam/Origins etc to play online. I think that if say, you hadit for sale in gamestop, there's a chance someone might be browsing, see the game and take an interest. It'd aso be good for people who have shitty internet if there's SP. And it also offers the possibility of perma-bases, since there'd be no server restarts. Forgive me if my idea is flawed, I just wanted to put this out there :) :beans: :beans:
  5. King of kong

    SinglePlayer And Boxed Retail Release of DayZ.

    I only ask for a non-steam version with SP. Cause' the internet in my house is only on one laptop, so I could borrow the dongle, download DayZ off the website, and play SP on my laptop while the other people in my family used the internet-connected laptop
  6. King of kong

    How hard would it be for walker zombies?!!

    Dayz is intended to be realistic and hard. If you replaced the current "infected" with Undead, then it's no longer DayZ. It'd just be another WarZ, nothing beats having a few screaming, raging figures running at you at night. Besides, it really takes away from that atmosphere if you've just got slow zombies, if you've got fast zombies, it feels more realistic. It actually doesn't feel realistic, hard or creepy when you've got some slow idiotic dudes who just shamble around and act as target practice. So, no.
  7. King of kong

    SinglePlayer And Boxed Retail Release of DayZ.

    I realise that it's not as fun. But it's good if you have these kinda optons for those without Steam/Internet
  8. King of kong

    A A List Of Buildings That Would Be Fun To See In Chernarus

    I'm not surprised. New Zealand probably has alot of game animals.
  9. He was working with a Chernarussian ang, buying Soviet guns off them
  10. King of kong

    Incorporate Community Maps

    I think it's a reasonable idea. But, I think the only way to reach Taviana would be to fly as far out into the sea as possible on a boat or plane, then you'd get the option to travel there. So banits'd have to find a boat or plane first
  11. King of kong

    Musty Epoch Cinematic

    Welcome, to the Epochalypse
  12. King of kong

    What's Your Character's Background?

    khoroshiy kharakter! Nice character!
  13. King of kong

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    What about he UN? (Irish, Germans, Czech?)
  14. King of kong

    zombie types?

    Do you know if it's on Netflix Ireland?
  15. King of kong

    Realistic infection management

    Yes. You have my BeanZ, bro.
  16. King of kong

    zombie types?

    Nope, don't intend to either. I beileve it's alled "Pulp" it looks damn funny too, too violent for ma tastes though
  17. King of kong

    zombie types?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=UPHuE5pDlEs Were you saying something, mothafucka? I ain't gonna tolerate it one more time, if I see another mothafuckin' "Walking Dead Zombies" thread...I'm gonna freak. POST IT AGAIN,MOTHFUCKA, I DARE YA, I DOUBLE DARE YA MOTHAFUCKA! I AIN'T HEARD OF NO COUNTRY CALLED WALKING DEAD! SAY IT AGAIN, MOTHAFUCKA!
  18. King of kong

    Being able to draw on paper.

    I'ma drawn an arse with a smiley face. No, joking. This is a good idea, but I don't see how penises are so bad. Every male has/had one, but it'd sure be un-artistic if penises were drawn on every piece of paper. People would draw porn! That's the only flaw that I see
  19. King of kong


    Empty posts! I can't stand empty posts!
  20. King of kong

    [SA] Meele System - Ideas & Discussion

    Ah begorah what? In Teh Eldy Scrolls, I just move and hit stuff wiv' me axe laddy, sure tis' too complicated if ya've sumtin like da
  21. King of kong


    Ah Jaysus! Sure meself isa Leprechaun and meselves think'd be grand sure, begorah, I'm leprechaun, I fockin' need magic, mate.
  22. King of kong

    stronger cars

    Armored security vans :d.
  23. King of kong

    Writing on Guns

    Hi people. Here's my idea. Let people write on their weapons. I just think it'd be nice if you could carve a name or motto into your rifle-butt or something, maybe little scratches to signify how many zombies you killed or how many dayZ you survived.
  24. King of kong

    Play dead animation

    I'd only accept this idea if there were tell-tale signs that they were faking (Rising chest, ocasionally blinking eyes) EDIT: Learn some grammar. I'm 13, I've got better grammar than you... Oh feck me. Nvm