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King of kong

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Everything posted by King of kong

  1. Nice story. :) I'm outta beanZ for tonight though
  2. King of kong

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    Set in Murica'? Well, I'm deffinetely not playing.
  3. King of kong

    SA DAYZ Prison Yes or No

    Hero: Any Last Requests? Bandit: *Alt+F4* Hero: *Camps till' bandit re-logs.
  4. King of kong

    More Apocalyptic World.

    Grass wouldn't grow dynamically through the road. It'd have certain Pre-placed spots. different spots for each road texture. So you don't have grass just portruding from the concrete
  5. King of kong

    Neaf Sniper Battle - 6 vs 1 -

    Go Back to the Battlefield....back to Karkand
  6. King of kong

    Neaf Sniper Battle - 6 vs 1 -

    Truth Hath Been Spoken.
  7. King of kong

    Using a dongle

    I use a 3 Pay-As-You-Go Dongle and it's ok
  8. King of kong

    Forming a group of Road Bandits

    Does that man I need a password?
  9. King of kong


    I'd love t see this in DayZ. But I'd like canned food to be rarer first
  10. King of kong

    Worst day in DayZ ever

    Bad Luck. Sorry.
  11. King of kong

    Forming a group of Road Bandits

    I might consider Joining you. But I won't kill unarmed players. I'm in Ireland timezone. Oh, is the server on DayZ Vanilla? And If you wanna organise a meeting. PM me here or Steam. ID on Steam: ArseofTheLord
  12. King of kong

    I've given up Banditry.

    I thought o' it, laddy bai
  13. King of kong

    I've given up Banditry.

    Don't worry. I'll still be a bandit with you if you feel the need. BUT I AIN'T KILLIN'NO UNARMED PLAYERS YA' HEAR? I'LL JUST HOLD EM' UP!
  14. King of kong

    Story #2: Grocery Store Alamo

    Good job! Blow da greedy fuckerZ to hell! But NUUUUUUU!!!!!! SAVE THE CUPCAKES CAUSE' THE'RE ON SALE!
  15. King of kong


    I'll only exept beards if they're shaveable
  16. King of kong

    More Apocalyptic World.

    I originally got the suicide idea from "The Road"
  17. King of kong


    Basically you're whingeing about something that you don't have to do? Remember. Nothing is permanent, for now. Most servers spawn you with OP gear and your gear won't be carried over.
  18. King of kong

    More Apocalyptic World.

    Where do you get your info? At night, currently, the lights turn on automatically. I think it'd be better if it was set at the start of the outbreak. Maybe every new update sets the game a month later, then say, after the 2nd update, they pull streetlights Besides. alot of power stations have backup systems which can keep them going for awhile
  19. King of kong

    More Apocalyptic World.

    Thank you inception.
  20. King of kong

    Neaf Sniper Battle - 6 vs 1 -

    Fag. SniperZ! Be Gone back to the Battlefield.....Back to Karkand
  21. King of kong

    Gear weight affects appearence.

  22. King of kong

    DaizY to the DayZ commander.

    Hi guys. I've been studying an offline-DayZ mod. I think that it'd be nice if we could have it added to DayZ commander to simplify installation. I know alot of people don't like the idea of SP, but it's not hurting anyone. alot of people want SP due to shitty internet. I lag like hell when I go to Chernogorsk. I think it'd be nice for new players to practice in too. I realise that DayZ is based around "Human Interaction" but the mod is screwed up right now with COD kiddyZ and haxerZ. So, ADD IT!
  23. King of kong

    Survior zombies!

    DayZ 2017 has something like this. And Epoch too.
  24. Hi guys. I just bought ArmA 2 and installed DayZ. (At first I was plaing at a friends house). I am looking for fellow NoobieZ to join me on DayZ 2017/2017 Namalsk, Regular Namalsk, Epoch, Vanilla DayZ. Even though I'm 13. I act maturely, I don't KoS unarmed players (Although people KoS me in Namalsk so I'll give warnings before I fire). I have a mic. Steam: ArseofTheLord. DayZ/ArmA 2: S.T.A.L.K.E.R Time Zone: West Coast Republic of Ireland. I'm gonna be playing DayZ right after I post this so if you wanna join, check my Steam page, add me/message me
  25. King of kong

    alcool and food/drink like messages in SA
