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King of kong

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Everything posted by King of kong

  1. King of kong

    crazy game ideas for the coders :)

    I'll have you know, that it is my job, as hypocrite of the century to bash ideas!
  2. King of kong

    crazy game ideas for the coders :)

    And I admitted to being a hyopcrite, did I not? Fucking Epsilonist....
  3. King of kong

    crazy game ideas for the coders :)

    I deliberately left out the T.
  4. King of kong

    crazy game ideas for the coders :)

    You* And yes, I am 13 to be very precise. What I was trying to get through to this guy was that I'm 13, I make better ideas and have better grammar, YOLO, I'm sucha Badass, I'ma get some 360 no-scopes. His first post was asking people to make a heli-fortress or some shi just cause' he's too lazy to get up off his arse and hide his helicopter.
  5. Maybe you'd be better off in the Clan Recruitment section, no?
  6. King of kong

    What weapons do Hero's normally carry?

    I'm a hero. My weapon of choice is M24 or CZ550 + Hatchet + M9 and an M4 stowed in the backpack.
  7. BREAK: Head Shot Z's: NO. These are Infected Humans who've gone insane, not the living dead. I'm all for speedy and tough zombies, but headshot Z's? No. Perhaps make them optional whe you make a server.
  8. King of kong

    crazy game ideas for the coders :)

    SPARE THE HATE SPOIL THE FORUMER!....................But even if you are new, you shouldn't go around posting half-hearted ideas that just make it easier for lil' kiddies who can't even be bothered to find a good hiding spot.
  9. King of kong

    My DayZ 1.7.7 review.

  10. King of kong

    crazy game ideas for the coders :)

    I apologize for being a bit of a hypocrite here. But seriously, begging people to add impregnable bunker heli bases or whatever, is not going to be received well.
  11. King of kong

    crazy game ideas for the coders :)

    Atleast I don't post ideas that break immersion. And atleast I have some grammar. And I'm not trying to provoke him/her. And if I remember correctly you don't like young players on DayZ, that's why you gave beans to Whatshisname on "Enforce Age Ratings".
  12. King of kong

    Low FPS - 2 x Gtx 780, 3930k 3.2 ghz

    Seriously? 29-34 FPS is actually pretty good!
  13. King of kong

    crazy game ideas for the coders :)

    Unrealistic. By your grammar (And this silly idea) I can guess that you're no less than 14-15 Years. Coders can't alter DayZ to suit your needs without prior permission from the developers (I think). No offence, but come up with a sensible idea that suits DayZ and the devs might (MIGHT!) take an interest. Not just an unrealistic idea that suits the lil' kids that are too cowardly to hide their vehicles.
  14. King of kong

    Survior zombies!

    Maybe he means that they were non-immune survivors that hadn't been infected yet? I still don't like the idea though.
  15. King of kong

    Survior zombies!

    He didn't say they died and turned into Zombies.
  16. Yet again! SalamanderAnder speaks sense! SalamanderAnder = Wise Old Forumer of Berezino.
  17. King of kong


    Although, you don't even need headphones
  18. King of kong

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    KoS is the bandit King......Heed his word.
  19. King of kong

    Standalone Graphics

    Huh.......These young un's. They think 20 FPS is orrible'? why, I only get 6 FPS in Elektro/Cherno and 16 FPS elsewhere. By my standards, 20 FPS Is more than good.
  20. King of kong

    Irish Survivors! Gather!

    First Line: Any Irish. Irish relatives. Irish Heritage. Second Line: Incomprehensible Poo. Speak English, or Gaelic/Irish.
  21. King of kong

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    Yet again! Another brutally realistic idea for bandits! Come here, KoS, have some beans. KoS = Forumer of the decade. King of kong = Forum Badass of 21st Century Here is my idea: Roast Human Head on Fire. Dismembermant menu which lets you cut certain pieces of a person body off and cook it. Target practice head, every dismembered head you shoot will explode like melon.
  22. King of kong

    Star Fort.

    I just think it would be cool if we had a Star Fort. Maybe with underground warrens and caves. And maybe a little museum section with a Cossack Sabre or pike or somefin'
  23. King of kong

    Star Fort.

    A star fort is not a castle.