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King of kong

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Everything posted by King of kong

  1. King of kong

    Random Spawn.

    I feel it would the noob experience a lil' more dangerous and might deter those fucking casual gamers because they'd probably say it's "Too hard"
  2. I'd much rather stay with my HUD icons thanks very much.
  3. King of kong

    Chernarus & The Apocalypse: My Factbook.

    Wolfensteinsaurus still has his friends in Berlin.
  4. Not everyone has money or knows which one to buy. 'Nuff said
  5. King of kong

    Play DayZ with a noob :D

    Wrong section; Noob fail
  6. King of kong

    dayz rules joke.

    #6 Give no fuckZ
  7. King of kong

    Random Spawn.

    Yeah. The idea was a cut scene. But nice job pointing out the lack of clarification.
  8. I'm pretty sure I don't need to open my pack to see if I'm hungry.
  9. King of kong

    Random Spawn.

    I never mentioned startking kits. Just tattered cloths.
  10. King of kong

    Random Spawn.

    As I said, there are two options, default DayZ spawn-on-coast start or random. You can still make up background stories, nationality and stuff even if you choose random
  11. King of kong

    Random Spawn.

    I never said "Just" military. It was merely an example. And I can't say that I'm fond of giving people start gear. Hunter with DB shotty/Crossbow and food? Go play Private Hive. What's the point of scavenging when you start with stuff? Good ideas though
  12. Norton = The Northman's virus
  13. King of kong

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    How do you check your specs on Win7
  14. King of kong

    Day Z for Xbox One?

    Ps3 is even worse than Xbox 360. It is also a ton of steamin' horse shite in terms of download speed, ease of use, interface etc. And the controller can cause alot of thumb pain if held for awhile.
  15. King of kong

    Day Z for Xbox One?

    I can see it working. Sure, you might have lower quality textures and smaller servers. But in terms of controls you could fit in double-clicks and stuff. Movement sticks, inventory button, jump, sprint button, drivin' controls. Fuck dem' elitists.
  16. King of kong

    Dayz Fps and lag

    I get 40-50 FPS with everything on low in SP. In the citys I get 10-12 FPS in Arma, and in dayZ I get 4-6 FPS in the citys
  17. King of kong

    Standalone: heli crashes+

    The "Distress Message" is BS to me. They'd be speaking in Chernarussian, Subtitles? And no Evac choppers, that totally breaks immersion. Heli crews aren't going to go out of their way to save one person. The crews would likely die on impact or be paralysed. The only loot you're gonna get is Makarov, AKM, AK-74, AK-74U or SVD.
  18. King of kong

    Idea To Reserve Space.

    Hello. I had a simple idea for reserving space in backpacks. Allow us to disassemble weapons. You can right click on a weapon in your inventory and select "Disassemble" this takes 2 minutes and will free up some space. You'll still have to wait two minutes to re-assemble it, though. And if weapon degradation is added, peraps there's a higher chance of the gun clogging due to dust in your pack, maybe? Also, I think food needs to be ALOT rarer. Far too easy to survive in DayZ. Finding food should be like winning the lottery. :D
  19. King of kong

    Chernarus & The Apocalypse: My Factbook.

    God damn! Comma!
  20. King of kong

    A poem for DayZ

  21. King of kong

    A poem for DayZ

    IrishHugo = Fellow Irish bloke and forum poet. Congrats
  22. I'd love to join you. Still a fail at Dayz myself. I don't have Skype but I have steam. My name's Troll.Inc if interested. Hope you don't mind a drunk 13 year old Irish guy.
  23. King of kong

    DayZ Commander/Installing

    Go to the thing where you install the DayZ. Uploads or downloads or somein'? make sure ArmA is updated to the latest patch. Install your preferred mod. Run ArmA 2 then ArmA OA. Enjoy.