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King of kong

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Everything posted by King of kong

  1. I just want too know if these 2 games would run ok on my system :). ArmA 3, Outlast Hewlett Packard HP Pavilion g6 Notebook PC Rating: 4.6 Processor: Intel® Pentium®CPU B940 @ 2.00 GHZ 2.00 GHZ RAM 4.00 GB Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit
  2. Sorry, it doesn't show my GPU
  3. King of kong

    Turn Off HUD

    I think it would be good if there was a button to turn off main HUD elements for screenshots...I myself am a perfectionist and like no HUD to get in the way of my bootiful pictures.
  4. King of kong

    Turn Off HUD

  5. King of kong

    Imitating zombie walking.

    Zombies wouldn't be convinced. They'd still come over and eat you while you were pretending, probably savaging your body once they say you breathing/blinking
  6. King of kong

    Imitating zombie walking.

    The zeds probably go by scent and appearance, Eg, looking at your eyes to see if you're one of them, I doubt they're gonna be convinced that you're a zombie just because you walk like them.
  7. King of kong


    Has been suggested by people alot. I recommend you use the search function. But beans :)
  8. I'd give you the stuff that makes you fart but I'm all put *Whiff*
  9. No, Just No....Why are the US Military/Coast Guard there? Chernarus has its own Military, Jesus!
  10. King of kong

    gear for SA

    Sweater, emblazoned with "I Shot JR" Torn Jeans. Toothless grin. Messy Black Hair. Irish Accent. DB shotty. Plan: Sit on a wall and shoot birds, shouting "I Killed A Man!" at passers by, before blasting a crow and shouting "Burd!"
  11. King of kong

    Zombie Speed Suggestion

    I hate these "Classical" zombies. Romero Zombies aren't the "Original" zombie. Look up the original definition of "Zombie". If DayZ had Slow Zeds I'd hack this game out of frustration. If they put slow zeds in, it wouldn't be DayZ. It be DayG, Day Geezer, because that's what walkers are, stupid, blind, slow, old geezers who forget to take their medication...
  12. King of kong

    More animals that react to players behavior

    It. Is. Not. The. Fucking. Czech. Republic. Chernarus. Is. A. Country.
  13. King of kong

    Hetstaine in Standalone confirmed

    Give me your Pay Pal. How much must I pay to get a copy?
  14. King of kong

    Will dayz ever be a survival game?

    I hope the SA will be better. Atm it's just too easy to get food and stuff.....
  15. King of kong

    I know its been discussed alot but, note book?

    Word Filter = Filters out words such as "Cock" Fuck, penis, Yolo swag 420 MastAbate, made up words that are rude, etc
  16. King of kong

    dynamic backpacks

    I suggested this awhile back......
  17. King of kong

    SA Easter eggs?

    Been suggest before...But I agree. Stuff like the Scottish Loch Ness Monster and the Irish Banshee are things I'd like to see. I think it would be good if, say, one of your Steam friends is about to die on the server, ou'll hear a Banshee wailing. Maybe some creatures from Eastern European folklore? It would add a kind of end-game goal for people. I remember there was "Myth Hunter" videos for Fallout 3 and Red Dead Redemption. It would be fun spotting this, and some people might take it upon themselves to hunt these myths. Maybe the ***-Yaga seen below? Maybe you spot these in set locations at certain times of the year and day?
  18. King of kong

    Will Dayz standalone come to Mac

    How does that make sense? "Who the hell buys a Mac? sell it OP and get a computer" if no one buys Macs what's the point of selling it?
  19. King of kong

    loading cutscene

    It'd only slow down the loading times.
  20. King of kong

    Things i would like to see in SA

    I don't like the idea that a zombie with your skin spawns when you die. The zombies aren't undead. Also, no gun cabinets, it'd make the game too easy. Plus, it's not America, you should only be able to find old shotguns and Tokarevs and Mosin Nagants. Improved zombie pathing is being worked on. Fishing is in the game. Spawning in cities and further north would only make surviving easier. The game is meant to be hard. So what I'm saying is I'm not fond of your ideas
  21. King of kong

    Zombie Speed Suggestion

    F*ck classical zombies, I say. Go play the game that's so bad it had it change its name. Hardcore gamers want fast zombies that are beilevable, not weak little zombies that you can outrun, this isn't the Walking Dead, pansies. DayZ isn't the game for you
  22. King of kong


    One thing I''d like to see is the abillityy to make a crossbow out of assault rifle parts and scrap. Like the one in BF3 Aftermath.....
  23. King of kong

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    What the fuck are you talking about? I never said I was banned, nor did I remember being banned!
  24. Everyone hates Epoch, it's not true DayZ, go ask on Epoch's Forum
  25. King of kong

    New Arma2-DayZ movies

    Nice. One thing I don't like is all the Humvees around. It's not America