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About Innuce

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    On the Coast
  1. Innuce cloning glitch.

    The game is currently broken until this is fixed. I can go on any server I want and duplicate my gear. On my own server, with low ping, and being the only person online, I can reliably dupe items. Even with the "fix". The idea anyone can come onto a server and do the same, kind of ruins the whole experience doesn't it? This is arguably the worst bug in the game. I'd almost rather have a hacker on my server. At least I can do something about that. Fact is, anyone can exploit this bug. You don't need to be a "hacker" to do it. Also it's hard to distinguish between people who "accidently" dupe themselves from the exploiters.
  2. Innuce cloning glitch.

    The good news is, the cloning doesn't actually happen until you log on. But it's somehow tied to how you log off. You can see it in the RPT file. Some kind of syncing error. There's 2 ways to fix this. Fix the root cause that's associated with logging off, or fix it as you log on (deleting standing corpses in the vicinity).
  3. Innuce cloning glitch.

    Same thing happens to me. My co-admin cannot see the clones, but I can. I have seen people clone themselves multiple times to gear up their ammo and give stuff to friends. This is the single worst bug in the game. Yet nobody seems to care? I have the answer to fix this, but it's frustrating because I lack the scripting skills to implement it.
  4. Innuce cloning glitch.

    Does anyone know how to use the "setUnitPos" command? It seems to me, if you could insert that command to force the player to kneel or go prone before disconnect, it would solve that form of cloning/duping.
  5. Innuce cloning glitch.

    I have an idea to fix this problem now. It doesn't prevent the clone glitch, but prevents being able to loot it. All I need is help implementing the script. It's an old script that just needs some tweaks I'm not familiar with. Won't stop the other duping method, but at least there won't be clones all over to loot anymore. Anyone out there interested in supporting this game still? The game will be playable again once we can eliminate (or at least make it harder) the duping.
  6. Innuce cloning glitch.

    The fix mentioned on page 1 doesn't seem to work for either duping glitch that is currently out there. I am running v1.7.7.1 on a dayz.st server. Anyone have an update for this fix that works on yet?