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About rafareusch

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. rafareusch

    Xbox update ???

    Wait what? PC got an update too?
  2. News, to our luck, beetwen the island and the coast, it isn't very deep, so we pass walking there. But the main problem continues, the boat '-'
  3. Help me admins we need our boat back!! UP
  4. Helppppp!!!!!!!!!!! UP - Added Screenshot
  5. Yesterday, me and my friend have found a small boat. He was out of fuel, so i get some jerry cans and fill totally the boat with fuel. my mom call for the dinner. me and my friend go for a island (with the boat) and did abort there. When we try to connect today, the server where the boat was is OFFLINE. Have disapear. (OHIO 1) And another: We can't go out of the island. (No boat) !! Please Return our BOAT Admins, i have a Screenshot of yesterday (attached to post), show me and my friend with the boat, please help us!!!