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About shadowandlight

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  1. If your injured, pinned down by bandits or dying of blood loss / starvation come find us at www.reddit.com/r/RedditRescueForce A bunch of us gathered at the NWAF to gather supplies and trade spare equipment. Usually for the past few days a lot of the guys have been running around fixing broken legs (stop falling off the beached ship in the NE Corner people!) I joined up after being revived twice in one day... Thanks Mike! For a slow night we had a blast and made some new friends....
  2. shadowandlight

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    how long after the camp raid were you banned? It was like 30 minutes plus right? You were banned because your entire group disconnected after people started shooting you from the woods. Next time you want to play disconnect games do so before you get into a firefight, or expect other admins to ban you as well from their servers. people like this never fraps as it will show they are disconnecting right as they start getting shot at. dallas 22 runs a very tight server and even legit server restarts are frown upon... however the game is still in alpha and there are just times you dont have a choice.
  3. shadowandlight

    Dallas 22

    Its not "anyone" who is finding tents, its a not impossible to find tents or vehicles in the game. In fact, for weeks we figured it was people using legit game mechanics... up until the admins started seeing unusual scripts that we found out were vehicle and tent location scripts.... Now we are tracking the ones we know of, so hopefully it will severely diminish such script usage. Feel free to try out Dallas 22.... There is a reason its one of the more populated ones out there and that is because its well run and constantly admin'd.
  4. The fly noise is INCREDIBLY annoying, but only because hiding dead bodies doesnt get rid of the noise. Any chance this could be fixed or is it an arma specific issue?
  5. shadowandlight

    Dalls 22 7th operation Admin Abuse!

    Wait.... I was there when this happened. Matadors description was 100% on point. The helo stopped directly over the tents and then 4 players magically appeared right under neath it. Either you guys are hacking or your server hopping after someone else hacks for you. Also there has been a rash of people using locator scripts to find vehicles and tents. So your claim that you just accidently found that location with a chopper mysteriously overhead is a bit of a far stretch IMO.
  6. shadowandlight

    Dallas 22

    As a quasi-member of Dallas 22, there has been a rash of people using tent and vehicle locating scripts which our server admins found out about. I dont know much about how the scripts are being used nor do I know much about their detection..... but our admins are quickly getting on the ball about banning people for using them. As for how the server operates its fairly simple. Server hoppers (spawning in for loot then spawning out), disconnects during firefights and hackers are dealt with swiftly.
  7. + 1. Bring back crouch walking as a viable option in towns that doesnt pull aggro from zombies 50 ft away.
  8. Yeah' date=' that would cause an issue. I have, on more than one occasion, had the game crash on me in the middle of playing. [/quote'] middle of playing or right after someone shoots at you? Middle of playing mostly. I think there was one incident when my computer crashed when I was near a bandit; however, I'm not sure if he even saw me or not. yea... im not saying that if someone disco's once during a fight they should get banned... but 2,3 times? I think a local ban is a good idea assuming its a not against Rocket's rules...
  9. Yeah' date=' that would cause an issue. I have, on more than one occasion, had the game crash on me in the middle of playing. [/quote'] middle of playing or right after someone shoots at you?
  10. Are server admins allowed to ban people who disco in firefights? We seem to have a rash of this problem pretty often in the server i play on... if banning is not an option, perhaps screenshots during fraps, then posting it up would help? Probably not.....
  11. shadowandlight

    Days Lived

    agreed, nothing game breaking but getting cool skins would be awesome
  12. shadowandlight

    Low FPS / crappy response after respawn -> Timer

    I'm at work till tomorrow so no screenshots till then however I am not in a state of shock when logging out, as that would be obvious. This only occurs after a respawn, when I am forced to relog to get the FPS back to normal.
  13. shadowandlight

    Low FPS / crappy response after respawn -> Timer

    is there an easy way to post the required settings?
  14. After dying and respawning I am forced to close arma and relaunch in order to get the game back to its original FPS. Its rather annoying. Also, for some reason, when I do this I then get a very long timer (5 mins?). Whats up?