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About MyNameisGodfrey

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MyNameisGodfrey

    dayz graphics card help?

    Thanks for everything the game runs great on low settings. I can no longer blame my poor skills on the lag :)
  2. MyNameisGodfrey

    dayz graphics card help?

    actually i did play the arma 2 dayz mod but i was wondering if the optimization was better.
  3. MyNameisGodfrey

    dayz graphics card help?

    I have a nvidia gt 430. I was just wondering if the dayz standalone is playable on that graphics card. I'm not asking for ultra graphics. low graphics is fine for me.
  4. MyNameisGodfrey

    should I upgrade my os?

    I have windows vista but everyone says its the worst for gaming. should I upgrade to windows 7?
  5. MyNameisGodfrey

    Should I get A new cpu or something else?

    ok I understand I will be getting the fx 6300
  6. MyNameisGodfrey

    Slim case Switching

    So I have a slim case and it's really annoying how you can't really put any good graphics cards in there because they won't fit. Is there any good low profile gaming graphics cards on the market or can i just buy i new case and take out all the hardware and put it in the new one?
  7. MyNameisGodfrey

    Should I get A new cpu or something else?

    I'm not asking for it to rape I'm asking for good fps on medium settings (sorry didn't mention that) and arma II is an semi-old game and my gpu is fine for now.
  8. MyNameisGodfrey

    Should I get A new cpu or something else?

    Oh ya and my OS is Vista
  9. I'm pretty sure you've heard this story before. I Avg. 60 fps max settings on sp and then when you get to mp it dramatically drops between 10-15 fps.I've done everything the you can do to try to fix it and it hasn't worked. Specs. Gpu-Nvidia geforce gt 430 Cpu- intel pentium (dual core) Ram- 2gb So I think the problem is my cpu but I've read post and people are saying the game uses alot of your hardrive. I don't know if thats true or not but thought i put it out there. The cpu I plan on getting is the- Intel Core i5-2310 Sandy Bridge 2.9GHz (3.2GHz Turbo Boost) LGA 1155 95W Quad-Core Desktop Processor Intel HD Graphics. ( link at the bottom) So I'm pretty sure thats good enough but i don't want to drop $190 and it not give me the fps I want. So is the cpu the problem? And if it is, is the intel core i5 good enough? Cpu link- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115089