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Beebs (DayZ)

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About Beebs (DayZ)

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  1. I like the current system. Yeah, it is pretty harsh and unforgiving starting out with such meager rations, but this is supposed to be a harsh and unforgiving game. my only suggestion: get rid of the backpack. no one carries around an empty backpack in real life, what reasoning would all these survivors have for carrying one in the game?
  2. yes I was clearly referencing specifically a zombie apocalypse. There is no other possible parallel to be made. Furthermore, there are zero instances in history where breakdown in leadership led to outbreaks in violence and anarchy. Also, I met someone today. traded him a blood transfusion for some AKM mags. we then searched the berezino tents together before going our seperate ways. This idea that everyone is shooting everyone else on sight is a projection of your own deathmatch mentality.
  3. >makes thread regarding realism > references works of fiction (some of which actually contrary to his point) I have a better idea. Lets look at REAL LIFE since that is what we are emulating, not some Simon Pegg black comedy. Without a strong social structure, the human life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." DayZ sounds awfully realistic to me.
  4. Beebs (DayZ)

    Zombies -9000 Blood Knockout overpowered

    what, you want to make the zombies easier?
  5. >talk about in game realism >list movies and books as reference you realize those pretty pictures on your television are ALSO fiction, right OP?
  6. Beebs (DayZ)

    Please read rocket, food and water

    leave the spawn rates as they, change how much hunger and thirst are replenished from food and drink sources. Say cooked meat acts as it does now, will fill your hunger meter even if you are dying of starvation. same with water. soda or beans will only get you 1/2 or 1/3 of a hunger meter, so you would need 3 cans of beans to equal 1 cooked meat or 3 cans of soda to equal 1 canteen of water.
  7. Beebs (DayZ)

    Here's what's wrong with your mod

    I thought you said you were uninstalling the game, why are you still here?
  8. Beebs (DayZ)

    Here's what's wrong with your mod

    Bye. You won't be missed.
  9. Beebs (DayZ)

    Be or not to be friendly?

    I have never fired at another player unless first fired upon. Sometimes it kills me, but I've found the most rewarding experience in DayZ is the impromptu dynamic teamwork that can breed from a group of friendlies stumbling into each other.
  10. This thread had a pretty cool discussion going until the naked bigotry.
  11. Beebs (DayZ) neutered my two-week-old character.

    I avoided completely and when I logged in for today, my inventory was untouched. So I'm thinking it was the mass hatchet spawning shenanigans that 7.1.2 brought.
  12. Beebs (DayZ)

    Day Z Appreciation Thread

    I appreciate DayZ and Rocket
  13. Beebs (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Would any of you doctors be interested in over-watch support? basically I will give my steam name to the medics and when they get a call, they let me know and I tag along. It can help add some security to the situation and reduce medic deaths, act as a second inventory, etc.
  14. Beebs (DayZ)

    finally got the drop on a bandit

    That person may have never shot at another player in his entire DayZ life. Interesting you project your own banditry onto your victims in order to justify your actions.