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Everything posted by torystefans

  1. torystefans

    What new Rifles would you guys like to see?

    PKP, FN-FAL, M249, M24
  2. torystefans

    DayZ sunshafts...

    But it's so pretty.
  3. torystefans

    The Chernarus Resort Getaway!

    Awesome dude, loved it.
  4. torystefans

    As-50_Thermal and MP5K [ Standalone ]

    I hope the hav changable reticles aswell.
  5. torystefans

    As-50_Thermal and MP5K [ Standalone ]

    Want to make a quickscope montage?
  6. torystefans

    The Deputies. ( Large group pictures. )

    This was an awesome night.
  7. torystefans

    Raise a can of Kvass...

    I lol'd pretty hard at this.
  8. torystefans

    question will infinite ammo get u banned? READ ON

    Hide the body and walk away.
  9. Just had a thought regarding the Diseases and sicknesses. I'm no Doctor by any means, so when i get sick i don't know what what wrong with me. What if there was a loot able item in game such as a home doctors book that has a list of illnesses and symptoms & cure. So say in game for example in text you see "your stomach hurts" "your are sweating profusely" ect. You just cross reference your symptoms with the book, find the cure/remedy and you're good to go. Like i said it's just an idea thought i would share it.
  10. torystefans

    Gun attachments? What kind would you like to see?

    Everything that was in the stream + M203 & GP25
  11. torystefans

    Random idea about the Disease/sickness feature

    Could always mix the visual & Audio prompts aswell
  12. torystefans

    Day Z Urban Legends

  13. torystefans

    5-10 FPS HELP!

    Try this guys graphics settings worked for my FPS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k2rqc8ihL0