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About DimbleDork

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    On the Coast
  1. On the first benchmark. my avg fps is about 60. On the second its 20. But In dayz it's not nearly as good as this.
  2. I'm going to run a benchmark and check it now, thanks.
  3. All of it. Barely any difference. And yes I did adjust the settings in Nvidia control panel to the ones specified in the thread but that didn't change anything.
  4. Here are my specs: FX6100 amd cpu Nvidia 670 8gb ddr3 ram@1333mhz 2x500gb hardrive Gigabyte M68MT-S2 motherboard. I built this myself, I can run every other game fine. Even on the lowest settings the most I get on dayz is 20. I know this game is more cpu intensive but people with a 670 like me can run the game just fine, I'm completely confused. I've set launch parameters relative to my system, (maxmem, vram, cpucount etc) barely any difference. I'm running the game off of ramdisk too, which hasn't changed anything even changing the settings to the lowest they can possibly go changes nothing! I've been trying for months to make this game playable but no avail, even the bloody config files changing the pre rendered frames to 1 made it run even slower so I keep it at 4, Someone please help :(