I've been banned from the server also since yesterday... for absolutely no reason... Ive put 3 winchester rounds in a guy... didn't drop dead,he was bleeding but didn't even drop unconscious... he headshotted me almost instantly. me finding this very fishy, reported a possible hacker near Berezino. meanwhile another player got killed, and said on sidechat, NO GODMODE terminator. so it seemed that terminator was adminabusing. I told him that wanst very fair... his reaction:" no whining or I will ban you... I am the admin here...I'm not killing people..." I asked him why he killed me then. Instantly got banned: admin ban. So today i went on the TS server to explain to the other admins what happend. I just finished the sentence: ive shot terminator 3 times while he was in godmode. BOOM insta permbanned: flaming..... Just spread the word people.... servers like this shouldn't get any players at all. ive enjoyed DE 888. but this is absolutely and extremely childish.