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Everything posted by Frell

  1. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    So zombies come after me because my dogs are barking at my front door because they see the mailman?
  2. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    Ok then, i'd join a DayZ server and click "mute all" and then just uncheck my friend only so no one can hear us and I can't hear anyone else. Actually that makes it worse than it already is
  3. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    The people playing with close friends in skype chat are a minority, most are lone wolves. DayZ is built for people with no friends IMO Until tutorials are created and posted everywhere
  4. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    It was okish, sometimes lobbies were funny but 90% of the time 12 year old british kids were screaming and calling everyone faggots or someone was playing music
  5. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    Thats exactly what everyone is already talking about not wanting lol
  6. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    Still wouldn't use it Just face it, DayZ will always be a game and never be real life. Not everyone wants to play the game religiously like you
  7. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    So did the 360, but most people just used private chat. And then party chat was added which was better
  8. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    In real life you can't hear your voice through brick walls ~60 feet away when talking normally Not to mention the grand "brb gotta take a shit cover me" or "hold on doorbell" As soon as someone heard that they'd try and kill both of you
  9. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    I've known my friend I play games with for 10 years so we talk about tons of shit I still use ingame chat to talk to players I come across, luckily skype doesnt interrupt this
  10. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    Its also network overload when there's 40 players in the same server You won't ever stop people from chatting with 3rd party software. Adding this will make people search for ways to make DayZ think their mic isn't plugged in, which is easy to do.
  11. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    When we're far away from eachother we setup a point to meet and then just talk about other stuff while we're headed there, occasionally telling eachother what we just looted on our way.
  12. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    You're one of those immersion junkies aren't you? Why don't you go camp out in Chernobyl or something
  13. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    Ill always only use Skype, if this is added ill block dayZ from recognizing my mic hardware. I don't ONLY talk about DayZ and don't want my business elsewhere.
  14. Frell

    frames per second issue

    Mirin zyzz avi As to your question the arma engine is known for being clunky and slow so welcome to the club.
  15. Frell

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    Making game engines multithreaded is very hard to do, and it is also hard on development. There has to be more behind it than just that but it would probably help a little
  16. Frell

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    This seemed to come from the terrible server-limited FPS which DayZ doesn't seem to have. But once more zombies get added it might start to butt its head
  17. Frell

    First kill (Standalone)

    I was walking in the airfield with my friend and I heard a guy screaming "don't shoot!!!" under a bush. I walked over and he said "please don't shoot" And then I thought.... I reflected on all the times I had been killed and wondered if he would have been as generous as he wanted to me be if the gun was in his hand. I executed him and proceeded to take his pants off.
  18. Because "DayZ is the funnest game to be a dick in" I only KOS because I'm paranoid
  19. Frell

    Suggestion: Tagging Players

    What is this splinter cell? Technically if you die your memory is wiped, so running into someone who is a foe will probably kill you before you can tag them anyway.
  20. Frell

    Please change player bodies on death

    Alphas gunna alpha, everything gets reported but the super important stuff will be fixed faster if more people complain
  21. Frell

    Please change player bodies on death

    People did the same to us so I'll be glad when its fixed I only ever abuse glitches in games to help bring attention to them, but in reality I want them fixed also
  22. Frell

    Please change player bodies on death

    My friend and I did this on purpose when we were killed with tons of stuff on us. Felt good knowing the guy who killed us couldnt get anything
  23. Frell

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    The game just reacts so differently on different setups, performance varies much more than other engines
  24. Frell

    Idea. Gunshots, Tinnitus, and Hearing Protection.

    Gunshot noise also needs to be very loud. If you choose to KoS it should send a gunshot echo for about a mile and alert everyone that someone has a gun
  25. Not until I can cut their achilles tendon and leave them to crawl around until they die of thirst