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Everything posted by Frell

  1. Frell

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    5 page thread on this http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156638-reduce-triangle-counts-in-cities/ The arma engine is notoriously bad, and I'm tired of people saying "its because dayz is so big" because it isn't. It's almost 2014, this kind of scale is common now.
  2. Frell

    old Rocket interview may 20/2013

    Lol don't kid yourself. Content wise survival games are the simplest. Theres nothing innovative going on here to warrant GOTY, especially when the engine runs like a potato
  3. Frell

    Login/Logout cheat

  4. Frell

    SUGGESTION: Bigfoot in remote woodlands.

    would be a neat easter egg What would be even cooler is infected bears, but the game is so clunky fighting them would be hard
  5. "25 seconds until logout/Exit" If interrupted by pressing any key/being shot/hit it's canceled. Just like WoW (other than voice key obviously so you can tell whoever you're with that you're logging out) And extend the timer by 60 seconds if you've just shot a weapon. Alt f4 will still keep your character logged in for the same amount of time, so you'll just end up being killed with no chance of running/surviving. To stop loot farming just add a connect interval timer on the server list and multiply it by 2 every time you change servers rapidly
  6. Frell

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    Shadows off and shadows on max have no fps hit for me
  7. Fellow composers out there, what do you say? We all compose menu songs and then the DayZ community votes on which fits the vibe the best? (So obviously no dubstep or anything) We can do just the menu theme (about 30-60 seconds, no reason to afk at the menu really) and possibly a death melody? Maximum submissions per person would be 4 (2 menus 2 deaths)? Limit instruments to piano and strings (so people without expensive VST's/live recordings can still compete)? I'd love to do something like this, will give me something to do when bored. How does everyone else feel?
  8. No if they're all bad none have to be used. Could even have a vote option for "none of these"
  9. The whole point would be to have a community competition rather than BiS paying out the ass to license an existing song
  10. Well I don't want to do it if it isn't official, would be nice to see if this could happen with Rockets approval :P
  11. Frell

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    I do remember someone on the Arma 3 forums exposing that the Arma engine was still using stenciled CPU shadows, that could be a possibility
  12. I prefer handcuffing them and force feeding them disinfectant and rubbing alcohol. Then I take their clothes off and execute them
  13. Frell

    Very Low FPS with Good PC

    Welcome to the club. The Arma engine is known for being terrible: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156638-reduce-triangle-counts-in-cities/
  14. Frell


    they dont see all the money though after valves cut, taxes, and server costs Maybe now they can afford to make the Arma engine run like its 2014 and not 1998 on a toaster
  15. Frell

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    the console commands in launch options didn't help much I also tried -high and -xp
  16. Frell

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    They should probably get this in early, the better it runs the more people will test
  17. Right now night is so dark gamma doesn't work, which is PERFECT Apocalypse = blackout, its great IN A3 gamma adjusting gives you black and white nightvision The only issue with night is it lasts too long
  18. I just don't think balota should have m4's or mosins, just pistols
  19. Frell

    What's up with all this KoS complains

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5K_3y7uPNM 0:36 now thats how you KoS
  20. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    Ill say it again Rocket would NEVER be stupid enough to spend time implementing a system that can't be enforced and can be very easily bypassed. And no you don't have to be smart to bypass it, the smart people will just make tutorials on how to bypass it that are easy to follow The idea will never be added regardless of support. It'll just be ignored if added.
  21. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    You assume everyone is role playing dont you lol
  22. Frell

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    Would you really prefer rocket to waste his time tweaking all that crap when 98% of them will just find a way to bypass it? Waste of development time