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Everything posted by The_Weapon1

  1. Don't spaz out here, your at the wrong website. DayZ doesn't issue global bans, Battleye does. Also if you took the time to look at the forums you would see your not the only getting banned so just have some patience.
  2. The_Weapon1

    Hello i just got ban.

    Again DayZ has no control of Global bans, contact battleye.
  3. Is it only a server ban or a Global ban?
  4. The_Weapon1

    Hello i just got ban.

    Contact battleye, the DayZ admins can't help you with global bans. http://battleye.com/
  5. The_Weapon1

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    I Always keep at least 1 cooked meat in my main inventory. It is very good you can use it to: eat if you hungry, regain some blood if you aggro a zombie and get hit, Or you can eat it to regain some blood if a bandit attacks you. There have been several occasions when a bandit hit me with an automatic weapon and started chasing me. I had to run and coudnt stop to bandage, but I just stop and took the half a second to eat the meat compared to 8 seconds bandaging and was able to run off and lose the bandit and then bandage.
  6. The_Weapon1

    Whats your worst Dayz luck?

    I found a M4 CCO SD, died of starvation 5 minutes later.
  7. The_Weapon1

    Questions about Dayz

    Here is a loot map that a lot of players use. http://dayzdb.com/map#3.067.075
  8. The_Weapon1

    Dayz Standalone: More vehicles, same map

    1st off look around........... Those guys lying dead by the destroyed jeeps, or the walkers walking around in the camo uniforms, that is the military. There is no military left in DayZ so no nation would send its own men or helicopters to help a society they think is destroyed.
  9. The_Weapon1

    DayZ Stories

    One time I had just respawned and felt like being a dick, So what did I do? I run to cherno and pick up a enfield,a half a dozen smoke grenades, and a role of barb wire.The I run to the roof of a building.(don't remember which building) and sit and wait. 5 minutes later a ghuille suited man with a sniper rifle(which I later researched and found to be hacked in) and a friend of his with AKM start looting some buildings. As I watch them I see them starting to head towards the one I am in. I fire off a round of my enfield (I had already done this once before, so there were already a couple zeds there) and watch as the hord comes towards me. Then I switch to my smoke and lob 4 of them in the direction of these poor survivors. Immediately the horde switches to the smoke. The 2 men start to panic and fire rapidlyatthe swarm. Since one had a AKM and the other a Sniper the noise only alerted more zeds towards there location of these survivors. They get seperated from each other the one with the AKM heads to a small factory building, the other sniper gets backed into a courner and quickly devoured. As I sit and watch this I quickly realise how much of a dick I was ( I didn't know this man was using hacked items at that point) I then for and loot the mans body, find the sniper and leave it since I didn't really want to be a cherno hill bandit. As I start running off Mr. AKM re-appears and puts about 15 into my chest killing me instantly. Having my fill of banditry for the day I log off to look at some other things. Then I got curious over that sniper and doing a little research realised It was hacked. So feeling better knowing I had actualy made cherno slighty safer I go off and rejoin to begin hatchet axing the hill bandits surrounding cherno :D.
  10. The_Weapon1

    Dayz Standalone: More vehicles, same map

    In the real Russain countryside I woudn't expect to find a heavy duty military cargo helicopter. Or a fully armed to the teeth attack helicopter.
  11. The_Weapon1

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    Looks like some clan picked on the wrong guy.
  12. The_Weapon1

    Dealing with death

    Get used to dying, it is inevitable and it will happen often. If you get mad about using your *sweet* gear then this not the game for you. Number 1 rule in dayZ = Don't get attached to your gear.
  13. Try to find a heavily populated server, chances are a survivor will be by the airfield and shoot you, or have a friend come and shoot you and see what happens.
  14. The_Weapon1

    AKM or M4A1 (and where are NW airfield barracks)?

    I found a M24 in a air control tower, there not common there but its where Id look.
  15. The_Weapon1

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    Don't get attached to you gear, its probably hacked anyway.
  16. The_Weapon1


    Go to servers that have the words Recruit or Regular on them, You probably joined a server that has Veteran in its name. Veteran servers usually have 3rd person disabled. Recruit and Regular usually don't.
  17. I think DayZ should be like what it would be like in a real world apocalyptic scenario. What I mean by that is make items spawn less often as the game progresses. In real life when people realised that they were screwed and no help would be coming anytime soon they would immediatly find survival items and get the hell out of there. Most likely the first place they would go would be supermarkets and apartments where many food and water items could be found. So what im thinking is as the game goes on there should be less and less food in these places. For example: A server has just been put up and a survivor spawns in cherno and makes a mad dash to an apartment. Inside he finds 3 cans of beans, 2 cans of coke, and a M1911. he leaves the apartments and goes off somewhere. I think that the chance of finding beans, pepsi, and a pistol should be cut in half in this apartment now, because there is a chance that the survivor missed something, Or have a timer that lowers loot chance compared to how long he was in that building (it would tell how hard he looked for loot making it less likely he missed a can of beans or pepsi). So if another survivor comes into the same apartment 5 minutes later he would be lucky to a can of beans and 1 can of soda. I also think that if a wild animal gets killed the chance of it respawning should be cut in half as well, as well as in military buildings should be the same as well. This could lead to teaming up with strangers just to find 1 or 2 cans of beans. Or lead to bandits holding ambushes in food buildings that have been relatively unlooted. It could lead to large clan battles over 3 cans of beans. Sorry for the wall of text and let me know what you think.
  18. The_Weapon1

    Lower loot spawns as game goes on

    Yes but that is with the shelves constantly being re-stocked and, and thats with people only taking 1 or 2 cans at a time. In an apocalypse people are going to take entire armfuls or bagfulls at a time. Also nobody is going to be putting more out there if they start running out.
  19. If rocket didn't intend for Pk in this mod why did he include sniper rifles?
  20. The_Weapon1

    Hidden buildings

    I would like it if they spawned randomly, if they are always in the same spot it would just become another bandit sniping spot.
  21. The_Weapon1

    Make the snipers in barracks a bit more common?

    Or if you would like just run to your nearest barn. You might find a CZ it is not a bad sniper at all if you know how to use it.
  22. The_Weapon1

    Make the snipers in barracks a bit more common?

    Oh yes give manny more weapons for people to run down to the coast, and shoot fresh spawns. Trust me it is not hard at all to find snipers. 1st time at balota airfield, went to the control tower and there was a M24 at the top. Just start looking harder.
  23. The_Weapon1

    release that patch

    Funny how these guys like to complain about not getting a patch released every week. Ive played several games where we are lucky to get more then 2 patches a year. So in other words have some patience, Rocket is doing this at his own pace and is taking the time to make sure it helps the mod and not hurting it. So instead of whining why not show a little gratitude?
  24. The_Weapon1

    The Best Start Ever!

    cool story bro, enjoy the loot!