Hello, I am new to DayZ as a player and I feel so extreamly guilty right now, that I just made this account to confess to the community what I have done.. I disconnected, with another player infront of me.. now, this wasnt so much a combat log thing, as it was me nearly wetting my panties in terror... allow me to explain.. I spawned on the shore in Kamenka, as often happens to me, so I start my way north-east, knowing Kamenka only ever gets me killed. I managed to scavenge some pepsi and beanz in Bor, and I finnaly reach my destination, the large barn between Kozlovka and Drozhino. My stealth is exteamly poor, but I manage to sneak in, and to my joy I find a hatchet inside, gleefuly prepared to axe murder every Zombie in the area (I need more beanz). I poke my head out the front of the barn, and to my suprise, I see a crashed helicopter in the field near the road.. "What? this is where the guns come from!" I think to myself, and then crawl out to investigate it. This, is terrifying for me, this is the longest I have ever lived without getting an infection and slowly dieing, and here, sitting infront of me, in this pile of loot, is an antibiotic box.. I take it, of course, squeeling so loud my dog ran out of the room. I crawl around the crash, looking for anything else, but thats about all thats there.. So I crawl up into some bushes, and alt-tab to check the wiki map, when I come back, my new course plotted, there are gunshots, REALLY close to me.. I'm terrified, theres clearly somebody with lots of ammunition around me, so I poke my head around the bush, and sure enough, theres a guy with some sort of Automatic and a Ghilli, mowing down all the zombies at the crash and barn, he hasnt seen me yet, and clearly has TONS of ammo.. And then I did it.. I disconnected, terrified of losing the Antibotics that could make my character last longer than one hour.. I confess, I disconnected instead of facing a clearly better than me player and I almost wet my panties. If you read this, Scary Ghilli with lots of Ammo, I am sorry for taking the antibiotics and not giving a chance for you to get them back, and I appologise to the rest of the gamers on DayZ, for disconnecting instead of facing my fate, and seeing if he would spot me.