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About chetubet

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. chetubet

    US 1994 Admin Vehicle Hoarding

    I never harassed anyone... I came into their mumble and simply stated that I was in the process of knocking down their tents for knocking down my own. then i was banned.
  2. chetubet

    US 1994 Admin Vehicle Hoarding

    LOL! sure... thos words never came out of my mouth... besides that, you knew that you willingly led my associate to your camp. He then relayed the grid to me... but good try.. you wonder why ur server is practically empty.
  3. chetubet

    US 1994 Admin Vehicle Hoarding

    ... everything crazy just said is obviously not true. I was just banned as I was driving away in their VS3 right after i killed them all. pathetic.
  4. The Admin of 1994 is actively hoarding all high value vehicles for his own group. On top of that he uses his admin capabilities to locate the grid of any vehicle or player spawn he wants. Stay away.
  5. chetubet

    Getting Grey Screen

    Yes. The server you are trying to connect is detecting 'bad' scripts in your Arma directory... you need to go into your Arma OA directory and deleted ANY and ALL .sqf scripts you have. Once you have removed all "corrupted" files, u should be good to go. Please don't cheat. No body likes a cheater.
  6. chetubet

    Can't play DayZ

    Dude... at this point, you might as well just wait out for the standalone.
  7. BOOM: http://dayzmod.com/f...<br /><br /> I can't try this fix till later so maybe one of you could tell me if it indeed works. Thanks!
  8. The guy who made that video back in February has got to know a fix by now! We gotta track this dude down and pick his brain!
  9. I get this same problem as well. It only happens on certain private hive and all origin servers for me... I can play all official hive server just fine. I made a post about this issue yesterday, however, I didn't receive much feedback :( http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/142548-getting-disconnected-from-private-and-origins-servers/
  10. chetubet

    US 1994 Cheater Report List

    lel theres no hiding from Crazykid. Belee Dat!
  11. chetubet

    Global Ban (Buy the game again)

    What does "BB" stand for? lel
  12. Without really looking up the specs of ur CPU, I'd agree with Drunk in Cherno becuase Arma 2 is much more demanding on your CPU than your GPU... So even if you have a fancy new gfx card an old and slow CPU with bottleneck the crap out of you.