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Everything posted by Sillydude

  1. In today's episode, Tiviyl stumbles upon quite a find... Will he escape with this COPIOUS amount of loot, or will the owners of the base come home and catch him in the act? Find out in the video! DayZ: Rebuilding Society - LOOT FOR DAYZ (Ep. 2) <- Click
  2. DayZ: Rebuilding Society - The great Escape (Ep 1) In this video Tiviyl gets into an awkward situation... Will he survive? Who knows!
  3. Sillydude

    DayZ [SA] RP server- we need one!

    Hey everybody! I have been a HUGE DayZ fan since around the begining, and I freaking love the game. But 2 things drove be crazy: 1) the lack of contact with other players 2) when contact was made, everone Kills On Sight. Then I found a DayZ mod that fixed this: dayzrp. It was litteraly my life for months on end, I built up my character, had an epic backstory going, gathered friends in all the clans and raided everything we could. It was the best. Then standalone came out, and I was like "oooohhh, yus plz!'' and switched over. But after days of playing, iv found that my favorite things from the game: roleplay, talking to people, and player camp raiding, were all but non-existant. So, heres my idea: an official run server for dayz SA Roleplay. It would have different character sets (no shared loot or locations, to prevent ghosting newbs) and rules. rules: (to keep the gameplay fun!) 1-stay in character. 2- OLR: Only Life Rule, you cant rush back to your corpse to get your loot, or meet up with friends you died with, you know nothing about their location after ou die. 3- you can NOT kill on sight. If your robbing someone and you tell them to drop guns/ get on ground and the dont you can shoot. likewise if someone tries to rob you, you can shoot. You can hold grudges for 6 hours after someone kills you, meaning you can kill them, but you MUST ID them. also, this would add several havens or survivor camp looking spots. MORE LATTER, I G2G FOR NOW!
  4. I used to play WarZ, and i have to say, it sucked! crawling looks like your swimming in the ground, it has a small map, etc. The ONLY redeaming quality was the blood splats. When you get sot, you should leave blood on the ground, on the walls, etc. like you would IRL. Also, when you walk in the blood, it should leave bloods boot prints for a bit while you walk. Zombies would also be able to track you via blood trails, they follow the more recent blood to you, etc. This would be the coolest thing for dayZ (stand alone OR the mod)
  5. Sillydude

    Tips for being a bandit?

    Electro is a bandit-hub....dont go there! its famouse for bandits, and thus everyone avoids it if they can. try banditing bandits, they have good gear :D