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About Munkeyxis

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. People having the waiting for host problem. I read it was a problem with the most recent ARMA beta patch. If you revert to a previous beta patch you should be alright.
  2. I actually think the zombies are too easy now. I was able to run right behind one and not agro it. Also, I just don't care if I agro them or not now, since I can easily just run around a building or into a building and lose them. My strategy now is to simple run through a town and taking quick glaces at the loot points to see if there is anything worth stopping for, all while a train of zombies is on my tail. The zombies are giving up too easily I think. Otherwise everything is great!
  3. I have so much sympathy for Rocket, the other devs and the forum mods for the amount of verbal abuse and whining they have to deal with from some players. DayZ hass already been such a great experience for my friends and I, we're always pumped to hear about new updates and we totally understand the state of the game as an Alpha. It pains me to see all the angry and hateful messages directed to rocket and the team. I'm at times ashamed to consider myself a gamer, when that is how gamers act. Please keep up all the great work. This mod is just getting better and better. I can tell from the interviews and statements made from rocket that he is going into this with the proper mentality, the type of mentality and view towards gaming that might be usher in a new dawn for gaming! Save us from the scripted garbage that big companies are pumping out purely to milk money from the savages! We NEED games like DayZ! Please excuse me, i have to clean this brown off my nose. (srsly I must sound like a suck-up, but I really do admire the ideology of this mod) I'd be willing to donate to a kickstarter fund to make DayZ a standalone game. Get the team a dedicated engine to better handle the things that the arma2 engine currently struggles with.
  4. Munkeyxis

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    You rule rocket! Keep up the great job!
  5. Munkeyxis

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    You are great Rocket! Thank you so much for quickly addressing the issues! Please don't let the haters get to you. They are just assholes, you are amazing!
  6. Thanks for the update, please keep up posted on the ETA for the hive to be back up. My buddy and I are hunting for food since we just ran out and I'd hate to log in tomorrow starving! =D
  7. Munkeyxis

    Dear rocket, f**k humanity. Focus on Morality.

    These ideas are great and just the kind of topic I wanted to see in terms of how to deal with the increasing 'deathmatch-ing' that is happening. However the arguing is taking this off-topic. Let's ignore anyone that is simply dissenting without providing reasons for dissent or building on an idea... I agree with those that say a programmed 'system' for rewarding/punishing PKing is the wrong move. I want to see other systems added that motivate positive player interactions, such as content that is so difficult to achieve that group play is required. Rocket has mentioned that group and meta gameplay is in the pipeline, I think this will help build positive player interactions. Thus far, people have said things along the lines of 'humans are social creatures' while true, but this is only the case because our environment made social interactions beneficial to our survival. Let's face it, right now it is fully possible to survive by one's self in DayZ. Also there is a benefit to killing people over scavenging, it's possible that the other person already has the things I want. Call it crazy, but what if you couldn't loot people (unrealistic but would take away the benefit to killing others [i'm not actually in favor of this]), or less crazy, some things on the dead player have a chance to break (since they got shot up). What we should really be trying to do here is invoke in the PLAYER the feeling that he does not want to kill people but instead realize that co-oping with them would lead to a better time and increased survival.
  8. I'd prefer to see ideas about how positive interactions between players can be encouraged WITHOUT the use of a specific system to reward/punish those types of actions. While I understand that in a game such a system may be a necessity, because the same emotions cannot be evoked in a simulated environment, I do think it should be pointed out the humanity is not a system. What you are seeing now IS humanity, just humanity were simulated death has little repercussions for the killer and even the killed. The problem with a coded system for something like humanity is that it's so hard to calculate when someone should actually be punished. Killing in self defense does not merit punishment, nor should accidents. In a real doomsday scenario you would have no idea who to trust. You WOULD be paranoid, shoot first, loot and steal if it meant your survival or the survival of those you cared for. Unfortunately I have few ideas how to invoke true 'humanity' in a simulated world. But I'd really like to hear from others about any ideas. Permanent username's (which is already kinda there) is one way, reputation is one means of motivating people to moderate their own behavior. Perhaps a bounty system would make bandits a bit more reluctant, knowing they could soon be hunted. (not 100% serious about this idea, just spit ballin) Besides that I see playing as a friendly as actually more challenging, requiring more skill to survive when you trust no one yet do not want to risk a fire fight.
  9. Just looking for an official statement about the Lag/Desyncing issues we're experiencing. I understand it is due to the new security features that have been implemented. I'm just looking for any kind of ETA on resolving the issues or if there is anything we in the community can do to help resolve the issues. Also thank you very much for all your time and effort into this amazing mod. I look forward to being able to play again as soon as the lag/desyncing issues are resolved!