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Everything posted by Vespecci

  1. Hey folks! As the topic states... Looking for folks to play standalone with, I frequent a teamspeak I would be glad to PM the address too which is always up and running. Requirements: 18+ years old Living in mid-eastern coast United States (I want similar play times of the group I play with) and a group whose goal isn't to camp balota or a larger town shooting fresh spawns for their Crunch n Crisps. Cheers! EDIT: If you are interested in joining and closely meet the criteria, please leave your steam name and when you think you'll be on to meet up for the first time.
  2. Vespecci

    Schools are worth...

    Jesus I'm tired of threads like
  3. Met some guy, didn't care to have in headphones at the time. Typed to him, but all he would do is do the friendly side to side bob. He followed me for awhile with his hatchet, we split some loot in houses, he chased some zombies he saw in a field and I jumped off a building from bad spawn. He was a good guy. I miss him.
  4. Vespecci

    Looking for US players, 18+.

    Invite sent, sorry was picking up truck from shop.
  5. Vespecci

    ISO new players (U.S.)

    Ah, thats a bummer. Sorry mate, DayZ is really a game where you NEED a mic to play effectively with other people. Good luck.
  6. Vespecci

    ISO new players (U.S.)

    I've been looking myself. I'm in the east coast, 21 years old. The size of the map is (20%???) larger in each direction than the mod version. (Uncited, trying to recall from memory) I've a teamspeak that I frequent, as long as you're 18+ and dont live on the west coast, then I can pm you the TS address.
  7. Vespecci

    How Did You First Become a Bandit?

    I remember the last kill that ended up with me becoming a bandit =[ I spawned in Balota, got a pistol, a hatchet and some food and drink. I got infected... So I had no chance to get antibiotics, so I ran to Kamenka to give another fresh spawn my stuff.. Figured he would be able to survive better with it. I ran up to him and called out, asked him to stop that I wanted to give him my stuff. I only had my hatchet in my primary, so its not like I was chasing him with the glock. But he just kept running away from me.. I chased him. I was annoyed. I became angry that he would not stop and let me help him. So I caught up to him and I broke his legs with the hatchet, and then bandaged him to stop him from running away. He would not reply in direct voice, so I typed "Why wouldn't you stop?" and he replied back with "Why the hell would I stop? Voice doesn't work, and some guy is chasing me with a hatchet!" I felt so bad I asked if he wanted me to put him out, or if he would rather crawl back down the hill into Kamenka to find a zombie. He asked for the axe.
  8. Hey folks! I've recently been playing this origins server, but there seems to be a smaller number of players than I would prefer on it during the day. The IP is , its a US based server from the PCGN clan. Would love to see some more players on it! Also, I apologise if I have placed this thread in the wrong location. That seems to be a common theme with me -_- -Cheers!
  9. Hey folks! I've been playing DayZ mod for a couple weeks now and its ran flawlessly, and recently me and my mate joined Origins servers, for the first 2-3 days its worked great! Now today my client keeps crashing and task manager is telling me Arma II: CO is not responding. its happened 3 times in a row, and my ping is always fine (around 100). Why is this? He doesn't have the issue, only me.
  10. Vespecci

    Origins Program Not Responding?

    No PC changes, it started after I downloaded Namalsk. Perhaps that corrupted something in the main file? I don't understand how it works lol
  11. DayZ is VERY MUCH worth it. Contrary to belief, I bought Arma II only to play DayZ and have not regretted it for a second :D plus I expect the standalone to be buggy as all hell, so I can keep playing DayZ mod while the standalone is improved on. Melee is VERY effective in dayz. You dont even have to aim for the head, just walk backwards and keep swinging. They'll go down in a hit or two. I've never gotten knocked down from melee as your swinging distance is about 3 meters (9 feet) so getting hit while walking backwards and swinging is very rare (This is all inside a building where they cannot run, of course)
  12. So I've been playing DayZ for 6 days lone wolfing it, and I have to say that its very annoying that I'm shot on sight every time. ( I know, no endgame, bored, blah) But anyways! I'm looking for some like minded players, around the same age as I (21) to join up with and have a good time. I don't shoot on sight, I usually avoid a player if I see him and only shoot if I feel I've lost control of the situation. I play on US 3480 Official hive, I use teamspeak over mumble or skype due to better voice and connection respectively. IP is Reply if you're interested in joining up, and I'll message you the IP to the teamspeak I moderate for. Cheers! -Ves EDIT: I live on the Eastern Coast of the US, and play at all times of the day. Server is vanilla DayZ
  13. Vespecci

    New player lookin for pals.

    Cheers mate, but I didn't know the server had a ts.
  14. Vespecci

    Currently worth buying Arma 2 to play DayZ?

    Beans for you! Hopefully the Steam summer sale will start tomorrow (Thursday the 11th) under the facts that a SSS always starts on a Thursday, and if it does not start the 11th, it will be the latest summer sale ever. Steam enjoys mid month anyways, I dont think they want to wait till the 18th, because Amazon and that other website just ended their summer sales :D I will have to pick up Combined Ops regardless of the reduced price, there is no way I'm patient enough to wait for that extra bit of sale over the top of the already reduced price from the SSS. Cheers!
  15. Hey folks! Hopefully I'll be buying C.O from the summer steam sale ( that SHOULD start on thursday the 11th), and I know that there are either the DayZ Commander or the SIX installer that makes it more noob-friendly. My questions are, do either program have an advantage over the other (IE: Commander is more up to date than SIX or vice versa)? and Has the popularity died off? I know I'm quite late to the bambi-party.. but are the official DayZ servers still populated, or am I going to have to find private hives? I'm not against private hives, as long as they are close or identical to official servers. Thanks for the help folks! I apologise if I have misplaced this thread. Cheers!
  16. Vespecci

    Comic Series: Nooby McNoob

    Well now I'm sad =[ I have a golden labrador named Daisy, n we have to have her put down soon due to some common cancer in labs =/ Dammit.. A fantastic series though. Attached file of cuteness :D
  17. Hey folks! I know that DayZ videos may start to be dull for some people, but I found a nice small youtuber who is trying to get on his feet! His channel name is EvolutionXZone, and while he may not be the most skilled DayZ player nor editor, I think he deserves more subs and views than what he gets! Hope you enjoy! I believe he has some potential, but I seem to be one of the very few people who view or comment on his vids! If you enjoy em, leave a comment telling him that Smilin' sent you Cheers! P.S- Apparently this type of thread does not belong in General. Where does the forum mod get off assuming that I'm trying to roundabout support my own channel? I'm too lazy by far to make and edit videos lol, just trying to support this guy. BTW... I dont even own Arma II yet -_- Waiting for summer steam sale cuz I'm a cheap bastard ^_^
  18. Vespecci

    Check out this guy's DayZ videos :D

    Don't care what you think mate :D I don't own Arma II yet. I'll buy it hopefully thursday when it goes on sale for the Steam summer sale Well its good for me because I've only watched Frankies videos on the game.
  19. Vespecci

    Check out this guy's DayZ videos :D

    Beans all around!
  20. Vespecci

    Check out this guy's DayZ videos :D

    Excuses? For what? I'm lost... Cheers!
  21. Vespecci

    New Spawn - What Would Your Route Be?

    Uh..having not played the mod (waiting for steam summer sale) I would follow your path, but about the 4th arrow in I would chat "Any friendlies in Cherno?!" and get sniped. Cheers!
  22. Vespecci

    Guilty Confession

    LOL this made me laugh ;D
  23. Vespecci


    OP, you have my Beans!
  24. Vespecci

    New player, would like advice.

    Okay mate! I'll def. check out the whitelisted one once I pick it up via Steam (during summer sale, hopefully)
  25. Vespecci

    New player, would like advice.

    Can you recommend any private hive servers that I can apply for? or are they not whitelisted? ones preferably where hackers are dealt with fast and the admins are fair.