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Everything posted by oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

  1. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Freeside Mercenaries co.

    This may be the first thing some people see about Freeside Mercs, you might want to add some info about it and what you do.
  2. Maximus, don't take credit for what you didn't do, unless of course you are confessing to the use of hacks against us? You seem to have missed the other important parts, like the current state of the tents/vehicles and our members school commitments. Our operations are far from destroyed, in fact they are expanding with the launch our mercenary division and working with The Coalition. You've done nothing.
  3. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Freeside Trading Co. US 1665.

    I don't know what happened here, but as far as I know we don't own 1665 or 2013
  4. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Who said anything about anything about this being a form of Government? In a nutshell, we just want to create new experiences for everyone to enjoy.
  5. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade 8/17 - 8/19

    Although this is a grey area foozy, I'm going to warn you now, if you are spotted with a hacked weapon chances are your going to get banned, perhaps only temporarily. We can't possibly know if any other cheating is going on after all, and it only takes one cheater to ruin everyone's day, this may go against what rocket has said but we simply cannot take the risk against hackers. You wont see us rolling with G36Cs and thermal m107s, god knows we've had all the opportunities to take them given how many hackers have attacked using them, by your logic we could use them and how fair is that to anyone who attacks us?
  6. Double tap ctrl, Bullet catcher. Thank you joss for joining us and the great article, those shots are beautiful, especially the ones of our sniper team!
  7. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade 8/17 - 8/19

    We are neutral, both bandits and survivors are welcome so long as you don't show Freeside hostility. Heck you could come in peacefully , get a sniper rifle, go back out and start taking pot shots if you like. :P
  8. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade 8/17 - 8/19

    They wont let us lock it Snwspeckle, one of our officers has contacted them in the past about it as far as I know.
  9. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade 8/17 - 8/19

    I'm sorry Blindingsun, but there is very little we can do against hackers apart from have a fast admin.
  10. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade 8/17 - 8/19

    That is the big question really, I've told my men to clear out, so you could probably get your gear back soon and the tents tend to have some supplies in.
  11. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade 8/17 - 8/19

    Trading is closed for the day, sorry to those who couldn't make a trade. Probably for the best considering you would have died.
  12. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade 8/17 - 8/19

    It was in fact another hacker Blindingsun, it isn't currently safe, I will get confirmation from the admin.
  13. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade 8/17 - 8/19

    No thanks, we're heavily guarded. Where the hell are all the customers anyway? And the bandit attacks, its so damn quiet and boring.
  14. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade 8/17 - 8/19

    No we dont have an SVD unfortunatly.
  15. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade 8/17 - 8/19

    Location is Devils castle, trading is open for today.
  16. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade 8/17 - 8/19

    Info on location imminent, keep watch for an update.
  17. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade 8/17 - 8/19

    That sounds like a trade I would want, hopefully we have a spare coyote backpack, turn up to the event this weekend and i'll try to make the trade, whats your ingame name?
  18. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade 8/17 - 8/19

    theryl2002 as far as I know isn't a Freeside member by the way, and no we don't instantly all log off, there tends to be a close down time and although we would prefer no one approach at this time, some do, and sometimes we have time to trade. we're having another one same time tomorrow though, potentially a different place though.
  19. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade 8/17 - 8/19

    Sorry for the late start people, the location is Devils castle for the 17th run.
  20. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Here it is: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/74418-event-freeside-trading-co-open-trade-817-819/ Perhaps if we need it we could get some extra guards from The Coalition.
  21. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    A Threat To Banditry Itself, And A Solution.

    Unfortunatly, we are attacked daily by hackers, and sometimes the call to close the server is made in an attempt to minimise damage, sadly mistakes have sometimes been made. We infact love a legit attack, just last weekend we were attack by 2 different clans and got smashed, there was no sign of hacking and although it was a loss it was fun, I even wrote out the story of it in the 8/10 event thread: (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/66420-event-freeside-trading-co-open-trading-810-812/) Anyway, on topic, what the OP may or may not have realised is that this anti coalition group is just part of the change talked about in dr wastelands post, if something comes from both threads, how can the gameplay not change? I find.what is happening now very similar to what has happened in EvE online for a long time now, clans have been formed and now into large alliances (complete with subterfuge and spies as we at freeside have experienced) and this can only be a good thing for both bandits and survivors.
  22. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trading 8/10 - 8/12

    I'll recall it as best as I can, I died midway through though. We started with what I consider just enough people to safely defend devils castle, about 10 players of which 4 were new, WheelmanMC and Santaman2346 took up position at the gate, Ace, Nikki and some others in the tower providing overwatch, me facilitating trades in the middle and with Juicebox, The Fool Joss and others patroling around the castle. It was all quiet for a while and we had some customers trickling in, and we had about 6 people chatting and trading. Nikki on the tower using a thermal sight spotted a sniper in the tree line with his weapon trained on the castle and wanted to take the shot, I decided against it and suggested just a warning shot (I know some customers like to scope the place out beforehand). But that was the wrong decision to make, as I finished the sentence Nikki and maybe one more of the members on the tower were killed by him, by the sound of the shots there was most likely more than one sniper. Juicebox and Joss moved to face the attackers and came under heavy fire, Juicebox being our combat officer knew how to handle it and managed to dodge the fire and get to cover, Joss wasn't so lucky and was mown down in the field in front of the gatehouse. (The Fool Joss AKA DayZWarPhotographer, was actually there to photograph the event and is going to be writing an article about it soon, I just roped him in as a guard as we needed the numbers!). Juicebox moved and engaged the attackers but was killed by an unseen enemy. By now the remaining members on the tower used the time Juicebox and Joss had bought them to find and kill targets, I believe they got 2. Soon after that they stormed the front gatehouse and they took out both WheelmanMC and Santaman2346 who were behind sandbags and tank traps.At this point we were 6 men down, our numbers were dwindling and I could already see this was a loosing battle but I had to stay and keep the customers safe, they were panicking and 4 of the 6 decided enough was enough and logged off. Ace was atop the tower still taking shots at anyone who posed a threat, he covered Maug who was approaching the front gatehouse to deal with the attackers when a miscommunication meant Ace shot Maug thinking he was hostile. So now it was just Me, Ace and 2 customers who had the balls to stick around. I squared with them that we were loosing and immediately they offered to help exclaiming how sickening it was to have to just sit there. I thought "Fuck it! What's the worst that could happen?" and accepted the help, they had sniper rifles if I remember correctly, and joined ace who formed an effective sniper squad while I held the entrance to the tower with my trusty M249, I had about 4 mags, plenty. The group attacking us seemed organised and within the walls now, we could hear them taking down the barbed wire nearby, the enemy were getting close and wouldn't have just run into the tower, they probably would have flushed me out with grenades, so I went out to meet them. That was my first mistake, the second was not realising how many zombies would have been attracted to the tower by the snipers up top shooting, I turned a corner and attracted the attention of a lot of zeds so I opened fire killing a couple before an enemy on the west side used the distraction to put a high powered shot through me and that was it for me. The rest of the story is just what I could gather over the radio chatter. Somehow both of the traders were killed in the tower and poor Ace was left on his own. Ace is a new(ish) applicant waiting for approval who no doubt wanted to prove himself. He could have logged but instead held that tower for another half an hour by himself. At which point a group of 8 known as Elysium who we enjoy fighting with and have attacked us in the past logged in maybe a Km away and began to assault the castle too! While some of the original attackers were looting the tents and fending off the attack from Elysium, Ace sneaked away and ran for his life through the main gates and got away! Elysium told us later that the 3 remaining attackers were up in the tower looting bodies and firing down at them. To which they replied with a satchel charge to the base of the tower (looted from a trader/enemy corpse) and blew the tower to kingdom come with them in it, having been denied the kill, Elysium then left. There is a bit more but it's not all that interesting. Hopefully I have remembered all this right.
  23. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trading 8/10 - 8/12

    The event is over, We came under attack and were bested. I'm sure we'll post a riveting story later.
  24. oweng2712@hotmail.co.uk

    Event: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trading 8/10 - 8/12

    Update: The area is under attack, it is not safe to approach