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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Update: Event pushed back to 20:30 UTC, 50 mins from this post time.
  2. We're having some issues with our servers at the moment, I'll try and find out for you today. I hope so!
  3. Head on over to freesidetrading.co and make an application! Make sure to read the guidelines in the same sub forum.
  4. Unfortunately due to a shortage of guards the trading run for today has been cancelled. Tommorow is still on.
  5. We're having some problems, may have to call the event. For now consider the new start time at 20:30 UTC, one hour from this post time.
  6. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to announce the location publicly, the alternative is to keep things secret and if we were lucky we'd get maybe 2 or 3 traders. I'd rather have it public and have 15+ traders a day and some bandit attacks to keep things interesting. Hackers can ruin our day regardless, out of working hours they target our storage camps, our vehicles and have even started picking off individual members from what I heard.
  7. Thank you for your support Aryan, It's the support of the community and the customers who use our services that keep us going!
  8. Update 2: The run for today is over, sadly the hacker moved too many of our people away from the compound, do not approach the compound if the server comes back up.
  9. Update: We came under attack from a legit attack! Very fun :D unfortunately a hacker decided it would be fun to teleport the server populace to the same location and plant a satchel charge beneath our feet before hand, luckily he misplaced it and most of the server survived, we shut the server down to save people and investigate the hacker. We had the best legit attack so far and the hacker stopped it >:( Server will be down until further notice.
  10. Sounds like a good idea, but it could be easily done externally with like a random dice roller on the net. Still, having it in game would be convenient.
  11. We actually do hold trading events, every Friday, Saturday and Sunday for 3-4 hours in different locations, here's our latest event: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/66420-event-freeside-trading-co-open-trading-810-812/
  12. I for one do not discourage others from attempting their own trading posts and I wish Pieisdeath the best of luck. I will offer this word of advice to him/her though, know what your getting yourself into, something like this requires a huge investment of time and effort and more often then not you'll find that you have less and less time to actually play. As for shutting our server down, it is open 24/7, so long as there isn't a hacker attack that needs to be dealt with or technical issues, I don't know where you got that idea from. Vulwulf Co-CEO of Freeside Trading Co
  13. Thanks for the beans! And your feedback, the factory was a test and if we go back there, it will be improved greatly. I try not to freak out about people standing up because if they intend to shoot then warning them will do nothing, I just stay prepared for either possibility. Don't worry about bringing meds, we have a lot, though that is kind of you, it is my job to die if I can save the customers, just a shame I couldn't save that first one nearest the door, may he rest in peace.
  14. I think he's quite fond of that M240, he has it every time I see him, it's intimidating isn't it? And might make some troublemakers think twice. As for scoping the place out before hand, be careful from now on, we are taking a harsher stance on those who act suspiciously within visual range as per Xyros' post above.
  15. The truth is Sai, we have to be paranoid, within reason. Before you guys got there we had two guys acting as a trader who lit up a trader and one of our other guys, later someone ghosted in near the traders and killed another, we have to do our best to minimise the amount if time we spend keeping an eye on the customers so we can keep an eye on the ghosters/troublemakers, every time one gets up and moves because they decide they don't like the wall, or the bit of trash next to you, it takes our attention away. As for the negotiations, we tend not to sell FTC stuff, we primarily facilitate trade between other players, sometimes our members may trade if it is quiet which today it most certainly was not. During the event we were hacked 3 times if not more, once we had a boat spawned on a member, then the server was mass instagib'd and we all re-spawned ran back and continued (at which point I actually ran with you and said we would do our best to get your stuff back) and finally the entire servers vehicles (including our own) were moved to our location and blown up. We don't even think it's one person, we ban every hacker we can unless they have a lot of money for new keys. We didn't have to keep the server up or even continue the trading event after that, the usual protocol is to shut the server down (which would have despawned your bodies) and deal with the hacker. However I will be the first to say that our communication needs work, it is No 1 priority at the moment and moves are being made to improve it, how you know how / how well we communicate though I would like to know. I could go on but I think you get the idea, I am sorry to everyone who was involved that was killed by the hackers and to Sai/his group who lost some valuable equipment. I did donate some FTC and personal equipment to those who had nothing at all, unfortunately we can only do so much. See above, if we hacked none of that would be an issue.
  16. Todays event is on, we are setting up now, we may be a tad late so keep an eye on this thread for an update.
  17. I didn't mean to sound naive when I said that, I fully expected griefers, even really underhanded ones that place satchel charges before a run and I would applaud the effort it takes to gather them legit. I just didn't expect to be attacked by hackers as much as we do, at least once a day, sometimes more and most of them are different people. Perhaps I just have too much faith in humanity.
  18. Unfortunately we are still experiencing difficulties with the server, new start time is 21:00 UTC, it's not looking good though. Update: We are cancelling the trading run for today due to server issues, we will still be running tomorrow so long as the server plays ball.
  19. Update: We are currently experiencing server technical issues and the new start time is 20:30. Keep an eye on this thread for more info.
  20. The run did start at 20:30 yesterday. But for today and the next day assume a start at 20:00 UTC unless updated here, it's what we aim for when there are no issues.
  21. I've heard hacking is rampant across a lot of servers, but sometimes it feels like Freeside is being targeted by multiple people, there is already one video in a previous cheat report showing how one guy is on a crusade to bring us down. 3 hackers in one event. Nice work with the report Publik, thorough.
  22. Simply, you might not. The event it meant to run for 3 hours but we have had some issues setting up. But the event will run on 4th and the 5th too so you could make it then. The factory Publik mentions is the one northwest of Solnichniy, southeast of Polana.
  23. It was fun, intense and actually our first legitimate fire-fight with another group who didn't cheat! It is a shame the server died mid way through, and the battle logging you mentioned could have been the traders delivering the vehicle as they aren't affected by Freeside rules. I have to ask though, if it was your intention to steal from us, what did you get away with? We managed to escape with the vehicles.
  24. Server: GTAForums DayZ Server Time: 1:20-1:45 BST (GMT+ 1 I think) What happened: I and Sheldomaus who can be heard in the video below were playing on this server when we got kicked for no reason, we repeatedly joined and were kicked every time (5+ times), the other two players also never got kicked so I suspect they were playing with the admin: Video Proof: The video is most likely not ready yet, should be done in less than 30 mins. Try and join yourself, I bet you will get kicked.