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Everything posted by xG_Vulture

  1. Okay, let's clear some things up. Here's what happened; We have a rule on our server that choppers with venoms are forbidden from using missiles for Air-to-ground combat. A user blew up my MTVR with missiles. I let them know it was forbidden, respawned, carried on. Another user died from the venom. That's where I step in and check our anti-hack so I can PM the pilot. Well our anti-hack (TSW) showed no users in the chopper, which often times means there is a hacker using a bypass to evade our anti-hack. After no one responding to both my warnings and seeing no users in the chopper I decided to go ahead and delete the chopper. Well BattleEye was being VERY slow and didn't perform the action until a good 5-10 minutes later, in between that time one of you guys finally spoke up. I couldn't cancel the command at that point, it was already in BattleEye's stream of executable orders. I did apologize thoroughly for that. Now let's address the second topic... oh boy. Teleporting to your chopper and stealing while one of your clan members was in the TS? Seriously? Flaw A ) There is only TWO members who have access to teleporting VIA our anti-hack. Myself ([xG]Vulture) and Tony ([xG]Tony). I can personally GUARANTEE it was neither me NOR Tony because Tony was out of town for the weekend and I obviously wasn't home, seeing as one of you felt it necessary to come and spout bullshit at me on teamspeak while I was at work. Flaw B ) There is no chance you heard them laughing and organizing a pick up because all of our members play in the password protected clan-channels on our teamspeak. All these accusations are so broad and general, it's absurd. You're welcome to come on teamspeak and explain your childish, immature, bullshit you decided to complain about but, I can promise you it's all a load of steaming shit. :)
  2. xG_Vulture

    Explicit Gaming

    Explicit Gaming is a multi-platform based gaming community looking to expand it's fan base in DayZ. We currently own a Lingor server which is usually decently populated. Our server contains many custom aspects. Custom Weapons Custom Map Locations Animated C-130 Crash Sites w/ Loot Animated Helicopter Crash Sites w/ Loot NPCs (Both hostile and hero) 150+ Vehicles 24/7 Admin Support Much more We are currently looking for members interested in serious gaming as well as those just looking to play casually. We don't have many requirements. The things we do enforce are; You MUST have a mic. This is a requirement as Teamspeak is a key communication device for us. You MUST fluently speak English. You MUST be mature. We don't have a specific age requirement. If you think this may be something that interests you please contact me via private message on here, through our teamspeak (ExplicitGaming.Clancoms.com:1404), or in-game on our Lingor server. -[xG]Vulture