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About Machttertoe

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Illinois, U.S.A
  • Interests
    Gaming, Repairing, and Programming

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  • Bio
    I have an Italian and Native American backhistory, I'm 6'6 (too tall D:) and fairly skinny. I'm 20 years old and own an apartment and an old Mustang (Oorah).
  1. Machttertoe

    Looking for others to play with.

    Never give out my position lol, who knows though.
  2. Machttertoe

    DayZero - The new base/Standalone like houses!

    Good is bad in this situation.
  3. Machttertoe

    I'm new and need tips

    Just live your life as Rihanna said.
  4. Machttertoe

    I just don't get Starry Sobor

    Always keep out of view of "Sniper Hill," if you have time come down the hill to enter Stary, and don't go in unless you have fairly good defensive weaponry. As well as crouch walking.
  5. Let me tell you of a mystical time when I once got half of a frame
  6. Machttertoe

    DayZ is draining at first...but it's fun.

    Sniper Rifles are very rare generally, and only spawn in heli crashes and I believe in loot spawners far up the coast.
  7. Machttertoe

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Sweet man, works fine.
  8. Machttertoe

    New player HERE!

    IF you get farther up the island tell me and I'll give ya some stuff.
  9. Meanwhile, in the Justice League....
  10. Machttertoe

    my computer is ready :)

    Indeed my fair chap, shall thou needeth help, needeth only ask.
  11. Machttertoe

    Arma 3 Frame Rate Issue?

    Agreed with Fraggle, take my beanz
  12. Machttertoe

    [WAR]Clan Come back to DayZ Origins.

    Cool! Lol
  13. Machttertoe

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    MrJeeblez on your system on your system I'd say low-medium you'd get 20-50 frames max
  14. Machttertoe

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I'm getting a new Computer soon, could an i5 3570k @ 4.2 GHz and two GTX 660 ti cards in SLI run it on max with high fps, if not what needs improved, thanks yall.