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Everything posted by Freek314

  1. Freek314

    Mosin Nagant: Which kind of 7.62?

    There are plenty of rifles that cannot fire both .223/5.56 or .308/7.62 interchangeably safely... If you use military ammo in a civilian weapon not designed to withstand the pressures, you will not be a happy bandit. So yeah, next time you want to correct someone make sure you're right.
  2. Freek314

    QQ About Further Patches

    It's unnecessary and WILL make the game too easy.
  3. Freek314

    QQ About Further Patches

    As I've stated before: If I can run to Berezino from Kamyshovo without stopping to loot food/water bottles, food/water is not a big problem.
  4. Freek314

    PvP... and not much else.

    MY new favorite hang-out spot. SRS
  5. I've never been the type to kamikaze a group of people just to start over, but I did exactly that today. There's not much to do once you're geared right now, but it's MUCH MORE FUN getting that gear in this game than it was in the mod. I sincerely hope that loot stays as rare as it is, and even that it becomes rarer. DayZ SHOULD be hard-core and as unforgiving as being whacked to death by a man with a shovel who refuses to bury your corpse! If I can run all the way from Kamyshovo to Berezino without stopping to loot food/water bottles, anyone can!
  6. Freek314

    Mosin 1 hit kill? FNX 1 hit KO?

    Killed one guy at NWAF with a shot to the back (mosin), but his partner took 1 to the arm and 1 to chest before he took me out and I don't think he died.
  7. Freek314

    Hacker was mad.

    Not when there's a bug tracker with: up and down voting, a comment section, and a well-oiled UI.
  8. Had a mosin, 20 rnds, long range scope, tons of food/2 canteens two medkits etc... I'm still thankful, so don't pay attention to noobs raging. :)
  9. Freek314

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    Why do the newer generation of gamers not know what mouse acceleration is?
  10. Freek314

    Hacker was mad.

    Well maybe in LA they didn't teach you to read very well, but here in Alabama we know that if the guy trying to sell you something tells you upfront it's still being worked on and to not buy it if you don't want to help make it better, you either listen or man up and deal with what you get in a constructive manner. If you do neither of those things, you are not fit to own the product in the first place.
  11. Freek314

    Mosin Nagant: Which kind of 7.62?

    There are three types of 7.62: x39, x51, and x54R. AK and SKS use x39, a small, light-weight cartridge with little power and reach x51 is, in modern use, a sniper round similar to .308 Winchester Mosins use x54R, an old cartridge that is very cheap, usually containing corrosive primer agents, with power similar to the x51.
  12. Did you use the bug tracker? It's a great system!
  13. Freek314

    Hacker was mad.

    If any of you guys screaming hacker actually gave a damn about this game's development, you would've signed up for the bug tracker and looked through the list of bugs. This issue is VERY HIGH UP on the list. GJ on being a bunch of entitled brats who cry wolf every time their feelings are hurt. And I don't give one damn if you call me a fanboy or whatever else makes you feel justified and manly: Children do not dictate the workings of reality.
  14. Freek314

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    This is a known BUG, which you would KNOW if you were registered in and paying attention to the *GASP* BUG TRACKER!!
  15. Freek314

    So I Noticed....(Airport Loot)

    I never said they wouldn't! :)
  16. Freek314

    Help with Vomiting?

    Maybe some anti-biotics? I have no idea, man...
  17. Freek314

    Found a book: Russian Cheat Sheet.

    Indeed! :D
  18. Freek314

    So I Noticed....(Airport Loot)

    Give us tents and they will be deathtraps. All banditos need is a place to store their plunder! :)
  19. Freek314

    So I Noticed....(Airport Loot)

    Is it bad that I read that as titties?
  20. Freek314

    You feel thirsty... FFFFFFF

    Be careful because I've been unconscious for thirty minutes after doing this and going to loot a dead body in a building...
  21. Freek314

    No loot, or do I just suck?

    I've been doing great except for the random passing tf out. No, it wasn't due to blood loss or hunger/thirst/tiredness.
  22. Freek314

    Solution to perma knock out problem. (SPOILERS)

    I just passed out for no reason... Nearly full health, full food/water, was looting some dead guy I found in a building. Had the weird taste prompt but I was staying by a well and drinking water and it seemed to work...
  23. Freek314


    I just passed out for no reason... Nearly full health, full food/water, was looting some dead guy I found in a building. Had the weird taste prompt but I was staying by a well and drinking water and it seemed to work...
  24. Freek314

    My first 30 minutes of playing DayZ Standalone

    Was two hours... Spawned in Kamenka in pitch black, no loot anywhere. Tired, thirsty, pump didn't work AFAIK Ran to the base and rummaged through everything, few food items, gas mask, water bottle, clothing, M4, axe, FAKs, etc Made it to Pavlovo, searched town, couldn't find any food, headaches, refilled at well Started running to Zeleno..... BOOM unconscious in the middle of the woods.