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Everything posted by JaredFARIS

  1. Eli fuck man... Don't bash Harbinger when he didn't even do anything wrong... I mean Jesus. There was a player event in which players get to come together to do something. In his case there was a war in Electro. The admin OFFERED to teleport people to the event you know to save time and whatnot because nothing better then walking 8km when you can get teleported. And about you saying how you don't like how cave runs the server keep this in mind. He can say whatever the fuck he wants. You are NOT running or paying for the server. This means it gives the admin the right to do what he wants. Caveman is more then fair. In fact both caveman and x2 are the best Dayz admins i have ever seen. If you even think for a second that they are bad i cave give you a full list of servers that I have personally been on and they abused the fuck out of their power. I.E teleporting me to the ocean so they can drive a boat up to me to kill me so i have no chance whatsoever to fight back. So to conclude my rant the admins on this server are amazing and you don't have the right to bitch at other players when they aren't even in the wrong just to try to make your point look good. Face it, you're but hurt just get over it nothing good will come out of bitching on the fourms. ( oh and if you or anyone else has an idea for the server tell one of the admins BY THE EMAIL THAT THEY GIVE YOU TO USE because it might be a HUGE shock but the admins like having fun to and when they get a chance when they don't work or take care of their family they want to play Dayz. And in a personal opinion if i just finished a 40-60 hour work week i wouldn't want to read a academic essay of the 100 things that a single person wants to add, and i'm pretty sure they don't either. Get over it, it's a game. Jared
  2. Eli you're A fucking retard... I mean Jesus Christ... I've been with this server for over two months and I have never had a problem with anyone ( don't bring SJ or Jorim into this if you know who they are... they're gay but some people are born that way). Anyway... this is A amazing server with very respectable admins. Now, I don't tend to be nicest person in the world but I feel more then accepted in this server and in the community around it. AND about admins having "favourite" players... they don't. They treat each and ever player equal and if you feel the need to have a admin on skype so you can talk to them because you need to feel important then fucking ask them for their skype and they will give it to you. I guess to sum everything up... Eli, unfortunately you are not special.. just because you can't get every single thing you want on this server doesn't give you the right to bash it so others can't join and have fun like i have been doing almost every day for the past two months. As a person who plays on this server almost daily and has the second most game time on this server ( i'm not proud of that) i know exactly what I am saying when I say that this is the best DayZ server that i have ever played and if you don't like it, leave I won't miss you. BYE Jared P.S you're a fucking looser