In all honesty the server is young, the admins do what they can givin they have lives, jobs and families to look after. You ask a question you get an answer, at the moment there are two that are moderately active sporadically throughout the day, the third has a child on the way and has to deal with that. Even with this they still manage to shuffle through player complaints and try to get to know their player base. Eli, was recently banned after continuously whining in the server, offering no solution to any of the issues he was whining about, and repeatedly insulting administration. Had he handled the situation more maturely, and offered solutions and been more respectful, he'd still be playing on the server. I continuously offer up ideas that I think would help, and they are often responded to rather quickly Via email. This server is going to go places, it's already got a small following, and for good reason, there are those like Eli that like to gripe about small things, then again the same can be found in any server with a following. Ignore people like that, all they want is to attack a server because they couldn't get everything the little princess wanted. Even not being an administrator, I still feel like im helping develop this server. Says alot when you compare them to various other servers that seem to lack any kind of player support other than "Good luck go die now" Helll, they even have special player events.