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About Harbinger829

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    On the Coast
  1. Again, that is a community branch-out event. If you wanted to say something about it, use the complaint email. No matter how informal, or formal you WANTED to be.. But, even so.. It is an event inspired to get us out of the same map, together, as a group and take a break from Chernarus, and Bambi Canada. You can't expect to be a part of the server, its community, and be considered someone who participates if you aren't going to join in on it. It's just for fun, and gives us a goal somewhere else. I highly doubt any complaint, or suggestion you made regarding that issue, it would not have been addressed, other than to politely tell you that it won't change, unless we suddenly grow to a larger population, and majority of that population (regular, participating players, that is) do not want it to happen.
  2. Eli. I only ever ask to be teleported, when I am participating in certain events that require me to not be across the map. Like convoys. I was part of a convoy, so I had to actually be a part of it. My teleport messages were to let the admin know that I had died, and that I needed to be transported back for the event to not just fall apart. Also, of course we made accounts to defend our server. And yes, it was because we were asked to give a positive side to your argument. But, to say we're the niche of skype buddies? We're 9/10 of the regular server population. There's NO one else that actually plays, right now.
  3. Okay, hello. My name in-game is Harbinger. I've played perhaps a day or two longer, maybe a bit more, than Eli Porter. The current advocate against our server. This is the deal. There is no "preferential" players, or "skype buddy niche" anything. I am just as new as Eli, and I was immediately accepted into the community as a friend, supporter, and fellow player. Why? Because, if there was a problem, I would use the COMPLAINT email, as it is stated we should. And I would complain in a form that does not communicate negatively. Eli Porter is entitled to his opinion, and his belief in what the server should be. But, the only issue here was his presentation. He stated what he did not like, in poor taste (in which, it seemed like he was whining), and then suggested only ONE solution. And repeated this suggestion more than once, despite it OBVIOUSLY not being the solution desire by the admin. There are different events, as this is not your typical, raw, hardcore survival DayZ server: 1. You spawn with a weapon, a rifle (which rotates regularly for different spawn gear), and a pistol and some backpack gear. Granted it is not high-end, grade-A military gear, you're not empty-handed. 2. It's more PvP-oriented, than survival-oriented. There are many encounters with players, and it involves shooting. I've been through plenty of manhunts for specific snipers, or bandits. 3. Events, such as the tank wars, happens just before a vehicle reset. And, MULTIPLE tanks are spawned throughout the map. If one were to follow a road for 3 minutes, they would find at-LEAST- 3-4 tanks, sitting idly with no drivers, gunners, or otherwise occupying players. 4. As a community, we wish to play together... abroad. Not all of us have this incessant desire to play the same map all the time. The admins, occasionally will announce a "server army raid". Where we get as many from our server's community to join up with us, and find a new map, with different content, different player concentration, and different focuses. Everyone who wishes to accompany us (and I mean everyone) can join our Skype call, and follow us out to take a break from the usual map/content. It's also a nice way to escape the lower player concentration of our current server. Obviously, once the server population raises the venturing out into other servers will slow down. The -main- thing is.. Eli Porter, for some odd reason, believes that the admin made this server to be exactly what HE wanted it to be. And when that belief was conflicted, he didn't like it. The server is awesome, fun, and welcoming. Convoy events, tank wars... the like. Admins play with special loadouts unavailable to all players, even donators, that anyone can loot from them once killed. Summary? The server is great, the people are friendly, and we will welcome anyone who wishes to join. But, we're not going to cater yo your every desire just because you played for a week and suddenly have some sort of sense of entitlement to any say in how this server functions. Especially if you haven't even donated to it at all. Oh.. and if you have a suggestion or complaint, use the complaint email, like the server SAYS to do.