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Posts posted by notimetobleeb

  1. Hey, nice to meet you.

    I'm 15, i know most things about dayz and i could also do with a buddy to go hunt bandits and, i dunno go find a heli i guess.

    Anyway add me on skype if you wanna join up: simon.wan9919

    steam: StreaK

    whats up, i tried to find you on steam, but there are dozens of people with the username streak. Maybe tell me what your profile picture is, or add me on steam, my username is notimetobleeb

  2. Have been playing solo Dayz for quite a while, but its starting to get boring and repetitive.

    I figured that playing with others would spice up the game a little.

    I'm not looking onto joining any clans or what not, im just looking for a couple of dudes to play with and have fun.

    Mic is required and please be mature, I don't want to babysit anyone.

    Also, I prefer vanilla Dayz.

    If interested, add me on steam. Profile name is notimetobleeb

    Thanks in advance for any of you who decide to play with me.

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