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Everything posted by EliPorter

  1. Jared, the internet is a free place to speak. This forum exists just as much to inform players as much as it does to advertise servers. If you don't like what I have to say here, I could not possibly care less. If you don't like I said in side chat, I could not possibly care less. If admins don't want people talking in side chat, disable side chat. Its that easy. Deal with the consequences of public discussion or shut the fuck up and stop putting up strawmen. Its that simple. Don't want the responsibility of taking players seriously when you're the center of the issues the server is having? Don't be an admin. Its that straightfoward. One's opinion of what construes spamming side chat varies from person to person. I agreed I was spamming simply because I.do.not.give.a.flying.fuck if anybody thinks I was or wasn't, its how it was handled by administration. You talk about me not being the one running the server or paying for it, based on caveman's response, NEITHER WAS HE. So please, ride your high horse elsewhere, you're not dropping prophetic truth bombs on me here. My intent was not to "effect" (affect is the proper use) you, Caveman, it was to make anyone coming upon this thread have full knowledge of the implications of bringing up common sense to administration in this server. I'm neither vindictive or punitive with my intentions but I like to inform others as much as I like to be informed. Had I read a thread with similar responses, I'd have stayed away from it. If anything, I did effect (in its proper use) the server simply because you are no longer there and there is now an individual who seems to care about the server's future in charge of formal complaints. I do not care that X2 banned me, I've already stated I would not return on EITHER account (even the one you don't know about) simply because of the amount of asshattery that goes on in the server. A 5 minute ban would have warranted the same response from me. Servers should earn their regular players and potential donators, not expect them. It was and is my belief it was the owner's mistake to make you an admin to begin with. You just affirmed that. And yes, I knew it wasn't YOUR server, I knew that when you spawned in tanks (not on a designated night) and I brought up how you killed the server on previous nights. Your response: "Its my last day, LOL, I'm going out with a bang." It was X2's mistake to not follow through with that the following day. As is the case with anybody who has responsibility of those under them, he deals with the rewards that you may have reaped him but he also deals with the backlash you have caused him. Death (and X2) Best of luck with Bambi Canada now that the self-centered (as experienced by me and especially stated with his last response) Caveman is no longer representing (misrepresenting, your choice) it. I'm positive it can only get better now and I genuinely hope that any outsider that reads this thread to completion sees that it is a different place now at the end than at the beginning of the thread. Caveman, I wish you the best with your server too because I don't take your ignorance personally. I really hope you've taken something from this willingly as a way to administrate as a level-headed individual so you don't fuck up your own venture as badly as you've done X2's. I could follow you around and post the same in your server but I won't because you're a child to me, so petty and small in thinking, you're bound to fuck yourself without any outside influence. Try not to ban anybody because he called you out on side chat in the meantime. Eli Porter, over and out.
  2. good thing i used the complaint email, amirite? again, as mentioned in first post and 2nd, admin complained of lower player counts. you want more players, don't take half the server with you elsewhere causing it to more or less be completely dead for the remainder of the day and literally completely dead by the time 8pm server time rolls around. that's really all i have to say about this, going back and forth on here is a waste of time. maybe next time admins won't be too busy to read what people say, side chat OR dedicated complaint email.
  3. all the more reason, as an admin, take what people have to say in side chat into consideration (whether practiced or not is irrelevant) rather than blow the individual off, when it directly deals with what i've noticed when you and he have taken absence from the server to play elsewhere.
  4. They just proved my point for me by showing up, as they are the group of skype buddies I refer to. I thank them for solidifying my case to an outsider stumbling upon this further than anything i could have said would have.
  5. the fact that even after posting the above clearly outlining the issues i had with you yesterday, you remain willfully ignorant, only cements the attitude i believe you to have. i'll put it in bullet points for you. - there was no mention of any server update from me yesterday other than asking WHEN it would happen now that the "UPDATE HAPPENING IN 1 MINUTE TO 1 HOUR" message from you on the 3rd had passed. i asked because i didn't feel like putting time into running around gearing up after dying to only have you wipe the server whenever you felt like it with one hour notice again. that was the ONLY mention since the 3rd of this month. - you say i was spamming side chat, sure, i'll give you that. BECAUSE YOU WERE IN THERE TAKING THE PLAYERS TO ANOTHER SERVER. how hard is that to understand? if one cannot address an issue with an admin, that the admin is causing, without it being construed as spamming, what is one to bring up in side chat? - you told me if i didn't like it there, to leave. i told you i liked it there, i just wanted to have an informal conversation with you ABOUT SERVER PLAYER POPULATION ISSUES YOU HAD MENTIONED, AS ONE OF THE BIGGEST ROOT CAUSES FOR UPDATING, WAS OCCURING AT THAT MOMENT, yet you deflected everything i said and resorted to snide commentary. - i told you if you didn't want me to play there, to ban me. you made that choice and you made no mention of it being 48 hours. even if it were, i wouldn't give you the satisfaction of returning. why you think someone is going to sit for a ban over a weekend, you know, prime playing time for people who actually have careers, and then return, is probably the most fucked up logic i've encountered yet from you. - so to touch base again, this has absolutely nothing to do with your server update other than it was listed as a point in the issues i've had with your administrating. if you seriously think that is the reason why i posted this, take a step back and think of what you need to do to keep new regulars and attract more because, and i can't stress this enough, YOU ARE ONE OF THOUSANDS OF SERVERS. if your server were as special as you seem to think, i'd have returned on my 2nd CD key on my neighbor's unlocked wifi, but i didn't, becuase its not about the server, its about you. this isn't me being outspoken either, this is me warning future players to not waste their time on your server and maybe you take something from it to make it a better place for all (except me.) i appreciate the shameless plugs you've put into your post regarding new server features. i appreciate the consideration to name a server after me. just one suggestion, name the existing one "CAVEMAN'S MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY CHENARUS" so people don't waste their time/donations before seeing your true colors. Harbinger, you are one of the main people i'm referring to, with your incessant "TELEPORT ME." if that isn't spamming side chat and addressing an issue an admin is causing in, then you're just as loony as caveman. Also, LMAO at the troll army registering to defend king blowbuddy who has the power to give them gear and vehicles.
  6. getting really out of line with my comments like "if you don't want me to play here, ban me?" after being blown off and ridiculed? i made my choice to not be suppressed, they made theirs to receive more negative attention than addressing the original topic could. can't help but notice the stats yesterday dropped even worse after admin took players from the server to troll elsewhere. when the truth hurts so much one can't administrate impartially to their feelings, maybe one shouldn't administrate. i had a great day, before and after the ban, especially after when posting this on every site the server is advertised on. i was banned simply because admin did not want public discussion on being called out for taking players from the server when their biggest complaint is not having enough players in the server. they spoke with their actions, now i'm speaking with mine.
  7. i've been playing on this server regularly for about a bit over week now as my exclusive server and had been considering donating until the past few days. ip: admins cite low player counts as a reason for updating to when more people have been on the server now that it remains than in recent history before the new release(s). i wasn't looking forward to their decision to update to but was willing to give it a shot with them, as opposed to another server, even though previous brief discussion with admin told me that nobody would take 5 minutes of their time to export/import the survivor sql table to the database and let everybody would resume from before. those who paid would get to keep their custom loadouts, though. admins come on daily and spawn tanks for preferential players and drive out everybody else, they've killed the server early in the night because of this. nobody feels like putting time into a character and being run over/blown out of a building because so and so is skype buddies with admin. admins come on daily and get a group of 5-6 people for the exclusive purpose of taking over another server. today the latter happened and i spoke up about it and received a ban for doing so. apparently i'm not one to point fingers at hypocrisy because i'm american by birth, but not by raising. the admins of this server have no regard to players suggestions, especially if they are recent additions to their community. i stated a few times that whatever they wanted, it was their server, but to be insulted and accused of server bashing for speaking my mind is inexcusable from any admin from a server, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARE SEARCHING FOR METHODS OF KEEPING THE PLAYERS THEY HAVE AND/OR ATTRACTING NEW ONES. if you join this server, please be aware that unless you are in a niche of a few, you will not receive any consideration for topics you might address with administration publicly, as they happen. they do have a complaints email but i'd rather not waste my time typing to them (hostile, deaf ears) but to let all on here (now or searching in regards to this server/ip in the future) know that anything contrary to an admin's line of thought, no matter how reasonable it may be, will be construed as server bashing. if any admin from this server happens to read, i'm not posting this to be unbanned, i wouldn't go back if i were, i'm posting this so you know the difference between server bashing and constructive criticism for the next individual who might say something contrary to your liking. your actions have garnered much more unwanted attention than having the original conversation would have.