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Barack Obama

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Everything posted by Barack Obama

  1. Barack Obama

    DayZ- Johny cash parody.

    This never gets old <3
  2. Barack Obama

    Vetrenarian offices

    Dude, tell me about it. I use to love Taco Bell when I was younger. But last time I went, something tasted really wrong in their beef.. like a cross between rotten eggs and fish. *Shivers*
  3. Barack Obama

    tents and fireplaces in buildings

    I might have forgotten to mention that part
  4. Barack Obama

    Help me! DayZ Freezes my PC!

    Why does anyone need 12 GB of ram???? Danggggg
  5. Barack Obama


    This wouldn't work unless it were a reply of your death in slo-mo. You cannot warp time for 1 person while everyone else remains unaffected on the same server.
  6. Barack Obama


    Let me explain why this is a bad idea: You're a bandit sniper sitting in a well covered area. You see a group of 3 survivors who are totally unaware of your presence. You shoot and kill 1 of them before losing sight of the other 2. The player you just killed checks the killcam. The dead player gives away your position over Team Speak to his buddies. His 2 buddies flank around and kill you.
  7. Barack Obama


    So you're basically suggesting a killcam?
  8. Barack Obama

    Help me! DayZ Freezes my PC!

    Without an error message to give you a clue, this could be a thousand different things. Perhaps your CPU simply can't handle the game. What's your specs? Check if there's any driver updates available for your video card, try turning down your graphic settings and see if that has any effect, launch the game as administrator and compatibility mode.
  9. Barack Obama

    Don't trust heroes

    The hero got away with killing 2 people before you even managed to get 2 shots on him and he still killed you? That's pretty awful reaction time on your part.
  10. Barack Obama

    Vetrenarian offices

    Don't forget about doggie daycares so you can drop your puppy off before you go out killing zombies. *rolls eyes*
  11. Barack Obama

    tents and fireplaces in buildings

    I remember when you were allowed to place tents under water at Topolka Dam and those little puddles of water everywhere. Was a pain in the ass to find the option to access the inventory once it was placed though. :P
  12. Barack Obama

    tents and fireplaces in buildings

    Last I checked, making fires inside the tower of a castle works. Not sure about other buildings though.
  13. Barack Obama

    Dayz uninstalls itself?

    I can get the NSA to tap into your computer and have a look. :) Actually, the only thing I can think of that might cause this is a 3rd party program auto-deleting your files... :s
  14. Barack Obama


    Welcome. I would suggest looking into DayZero so your first experiences aren't ruined by the many hackers found in public DayZ servers.
  15. Barack Obama

    What do i do next?

    I find your lack of punctuation disturbing.
  16. Barack Obama

    DayZ? No, it's DayI

    Or maybe Daisy is his ex-girlfriend and he thinks of her as a dead ravaging zombie, hence naming DayZ after her.
  17. Barack Obama

    DayZ? No, it's DayI

    Should be DayW as in WheresTheStandalone
  18. Barack Obama

    Admin threat

    Sexual content "dick in guy's ass". :thumbsup:
  19. Barack Obama

    Admin threat

    What did you just say? I'll have you shipped off to Guantanamo Bay.
  20. Barack Obama

    Admin threat

    I would be willing to bet that he has filed legitimate copyright claims in the past which is why YouTube trusts him enough to simply take his word without proof. This kinda reminds me of those anti-troll community helpers that monitor Yahoo Answers all day and have the ability to delete anyone's questions+answers as they choose without fair review from Yahoo staff. It's corrupt as shit but that's just how it works. In fact, the same scenario would probably happen on the DayZ forums if all the devs went on vacation and left the site free for the player-mods to abuse without fear of recourse. :P
  21. Barack Obama

    FRAPS Problems...

    The only shitty thing about Fraps is it's massive file sizes. I have a 500 GB hard drive and it became full after only a couple hours of recording. Also, hard drives will tend to make your CPU lag horribly when they're nearing their maximum capacity. This may be a possible reason to the problem you're describing. If this is the case, the only thing I could suggest would be buying an external hard drive or stop recording and compress the files every couple hours.
  22. Barack Obama

    Admin threat

    The gears are turning. :P
  23. Barack Obama

    Admin threat

    I literally had an orgasm of uncontrollable laughter from reading this. The butthurt is strong with this one.