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About krazebox@gmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. krazebox@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    People with weapons also can die.
  2. krazebox@gmail.com

    Location no longer saving

    It's really annoying. In the past week I was teleported back to the beach 3 times. I think every time it happened I was close to NW Airbase if that's of any help. But I really hate it how after this I have to waste an evening just backtracking all the way back north to regroup.
  3. krazebox@gmail.com

    Fuck The Ocean (rage thread)

    A swimming glitch? Your gear is dragging you down to the bottom so naturally you drop it to survive. The more you are tired (like after running) the least time passes before you drop the gear.
  4. krazebox@gmail.com

    MERGED: Night time, darkness, gamma

    Guys - but pitch black nights are realistic. When moon doesn't reflect sunlight onto the Earth's surface what else is there to light it up? In the country there is no light pollution from cities. You have flares, you have chemlights, you have flashlights, you have NVGs. What's the problem? You have everything you need to see at night and yet you use lowly cheats trying to ruin it for people playing fair. Gamma and brightness should be blocked at 1.0 and not go any higher.
  5. krazebox@gmail.com

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Why not try an MMO server approach? Like post a direct message (you know the big white letters in the center of the screen one) to everyone that update will happen in X time to warn people and then simply turn off all servers to update, give it some time so people won't just jump back in at once and turn them back on.
  6. After playing with new zombie spawns for a while I have to say I absolutely love this clear improvement. Hard to survive them alone, but easier as a group. But I feel it needs even more zombies.
  7. krazebox@gmail.com

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Cheater needs rules and warnings? What is this? You are cheating consciously.
  8. If this enforces people needing a group to raid towns - keep it. Bandits will soon find themselves more vulnerable too because of this.